SQL Compare 11

SQL Compare 11.4 release notes

11.4.10 - February 8th, 2016



  • SC-8177: SQL Compare no longer fails when comparing against a scripts folder where a table referenced by a foreign key has been deleted.
  • SC-8223: SQL Compare can now compare snapshots and script folders that have tables with CREATE TRIGGER statements with preceding semicolons.

11.4.9 - February 3rd, 2016


New Features

  • SQL Compare now has a SHA-256 digital signature.


  • SC-8198: SQL Compare's XML reports can now be displayed in web browsers when they contain characters unsupported by XML.
  • SC-8206: When a column type is changed from datetimeoffset to datetime2, SQL Compare no longer rebuilds the table or produces an Invalid Cast warning on deployment. This is because the conversion between these types is an implicit cast in SQL Server, so neither of these actions were necessary.

11.4.8 - January 25th, 2016



  • Fixed an error registering views on Azure SQL Database V11.
  • SC-8115: SQL Compare now sorts foreign keys more consistently
  • SC-8186: SQL Compare now allows NULL/NOT NULL in variable declarations in natively-compiled stored procedures.
  • SC-8151: SQL Compare no longer enters an infinite loop when parsing a particular bit of invalid SQL syntax.

11.4.6 - January 11th, 2016



  • SC-8156: When comparing a live database of version SQL Server 2014SP1 or later to a scripts folder, incorrect differences are no longer detected between indexes on memory optimized tables.

  • SQL Compare no longer recreates statistics due to case changes in column names when the 'Use case-sensitive object definition' option is not set.

11.4.5 - December 21st, 2015


New Features

  • SQL Compare now reads tables and indexes more quickly, especially those in schemas with many partitions. Applies to SQL Server 2005 and onwards, as well as Azure V12.


  • When the Ignore Nullability option is turned on, target field nullability is now correctly preserved when tables are rebuilt in deployment.
  • SC-8158: SQL Compare no longer crashes when registering a fulltext stoplist on an invalid server version.
  • SC-8160: INCLUDED columns on an Index will now always written out in same order regardless of what order they were created.
  • SC-7661: Foreign keys are now rebuilt when changes are deployed to the referenced column even if the `IncludeDependencies` option has not been set.
  • SC-7331: When deploying changes to a table referenced by a foreign key, if the table that the foreign key constraint is on is not selected for deployment, the foreign key will now be rebuilt using the target database's definition.
  • SDC-2007: SQL Compare no longer fills its log file with warnings when trying to connect to some versions of SQL Source Control.

11.4.4 - December 14th, 2015



  • SC-8081: Added support for reading the ALTER ROLE ADD MEMBER syntax when reading from a scripts folder.
  • SC-8100: The "Ignore Migration scripts for Databases" option now also works when using a source control system as a deployment source.
  • SQL Compare now recreates extended properties on foreign keys that it drops and recreates as part of a deployment.
  • SQL Compare now accepts the CREATE and ALTER syntax for availability groups when reading from a scripts folder or as part of a stored procedure or function definition.

11.4.3 - December 9th, 2015 

Note: Version 11.4 rolls up all of the changes from frequent update versions 11.3.1 to 11.4.3 - if you want to receive these kinds of updates more quickly in future, you should turn on Frequent Updates.


  • Fixed an issue where in certain circumstances it wasn't possible to upgrade to the latest version of SQL Compare.

11.4.2 - December 8th, 2015 


  • SC-8114: Added Support for ONLINE and SORT_IN_TEMPDB index options when the database source is a script folder.
  • SC-8084: Fixed a scenario where Full text indexes were not being deployed when the "Don't use transactions in deployment scripts" option was selected.

11.4.1 - December 1st, 2015 

New Features

SC-2413: New 'Ignore nullability of columns' project option

SQL Compare now gives you the option to ignore column nullability. This means that when you change a column from NULL to NOT NULL (or vice versa), it won't appear as a difference during comparison, or be deployed as a change.

If you need SQL Compare to ignore column nullability, you should turn on the 'Nullability of columns' project option (Edit Project... -> Options -> Ignore -> Nullability of columns). To use the option in the command line, add IgnoreNullability or its alias in to your list of options.

SC-8037: New 'Use compatibility level' project option

SQL Compare now allows you to select if you would like to use the server's version or the database's compatibility level to detect supported features. The default is to ignore the database compatibility level setting, and solely rely on the server version, which is a change in behaviour from previous versions of SQL Compare.

If you need SQL Compare to treat databases as if they really are the SQL Server version indicated by their compatibility level setting (for example, if you are using compatibility level to simulate a legacy production environment in development), you should turn on the 'Use compatibility level' project option (Edit Project... -> Options -> Behaviour -> Use database compatibility level).

New SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database features

The following new features of SQL Server 2016 CTP 3 and/or Azure SQL Database are now supported by SQL Compare:

  • Stretch database
  • Dynamic data masking
  • Row-level security (including both filter and block predicate support)
  • Columnstore indexes on in-memory tables


In version 11.4.1

  • SC-8094: FILESTREAM columns are no longer dropped before table rebuilds. This means the deployment no longer throws an error when transferring data to the temporary table during the table rebuild. 
  • SC-8102: When the Ignore Extended Properties option is disabled, extended properties on sequences now appear in comparison and deployment. 
  • SC-8103: SQL Compare no longer incorrectly sets the REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE option on Azure tables. An erroneous warning about stretch tables no longer appears when deploying Azure tables.
  • SC-8110: SQL Compare now supports DDL triggers defined for the CREATE_COLUMN_MASTER_KEY and DROP_COLUMN_MASTER_KEY event types. These event types are new to Azure SQL Database V12 and SQL Server 2016 CTP 2.3. This also means that SQL Compare no longer fails when comparing DDL triggers defined for event groups containing those event types (e.g. DDL_DATABASE_LEVEL_EVENTS).
  • SC-8113: An erroneous warning about stretch tables no longer appears when deploying a stretch table to a scripts folder.

From previous 11.3.x frequent updates

  • SQL Compare no longer hangs when comparing scripts folders on single-core machines.
  • Warnings are no longer incorrectly shown when deploying columns with the SPARSE and COLUMN_SET options to an Azure database
  • SC-4529: Databases with more than 32678 users no longer cause SQL Compare to fail with an 'Arithmetic overflow error for data type smallint...' during registration
  • SC-6455/SC-7904: Trigger definitions with leading semicolon ';' characters no longer cause an error
  • SC-6900: SQL Compare now correctly reads the POISON_MESSAGE_HANDLING status from queues in SQL Server 2008 R2 databases.
  • SC-7201: SQL Compare now correctly reads VIEW CHANGE TRACKING permissions from the database
  • SC-7234: SQL Compare no longer occasionally crashes with a message similar to "Invalid type value supplied. Type: Table\r\nParameter name: type" when comparing databases
  • SC-7815: Using the SPARSE keyword in table definitions in stored procedures no longer causes parser errors
  • SC-7822: Comparing a scripts folder containing a stored procedure with ALTER SERVICE ROLE in its body no longer causes an error.
  • SC-7851: The new objects section of the Interactive HTML report (objects that are being CREATEd) now correctly populates the target object name column, rather than duplicating the owner information column.
  • SC-7919: SQL Compare can now successfully drop filestream columns, because it no longer tries to drop UNIQUE constraints on the ROWGUIDCOL before dropping the column
  • SC-7977: Identical XML schema collections with duplicate <enumeration> values are no longer incorrectly reported as different
  • SC-7982: Partition values of partition functions using datetime2 and real data types are now correctly deployed
  • SC-8004: The Add database USE statement option is no longer ignored when comparing two revisions of a source-controlled database
  • SC-8005: SQL Compare no longer requires VIEW SERVER STATE permissions to register databases on SQL Server 2008 and later
  • SC-8006: Extended properties defined in a scripts folder in a file called 'ExtendedProperties.sql' are no longer ignored
  • SC-8008: Mapping two schema names that only differ by whitespace no longer causes Compare to fail to map tables
  • SC-8023: All connection strings used by SQL Compare to connect to SQL Server now include the application name "Red Gate Software - SQL Tools"
  • SC-8029: SQL Compare will no longer incorrectly try to deploy unsupported INCLUDE columns on indexes to SQL Server 2000 databases (including databases on higher SQL Server versions with COMPATIBILITY LEVEL set to 80). Instead, it will issue a warning that INCLUDE columns are not supported.
  • SC-8030: Indexes with INCLUDED columns no longer show spurious differences when the source or target databases are in SQL 2000 compatibility level
  • SC-8033: SQL Compare will use the target database name, rather than using the source database details, to create a new database when comparing to a database that does not exist. 
  • SC-8036: Primary keys defined with unspecified clustering are now correctly registered as NONCLUSTERED when another clustered index exists
  • SC-8038: Trigger definitions will no longer be lost when deploying a table rebuild to a scripts folder

  • SC-8048: When the 'Ignore system named constraint and index names' option is enabled, constraints and indexes that differ only in their system-namedness are no longer considered different. This also means that when named constraints or indexes are modified and become system-named, SQL Compare no longer drops them without recreating them.
  • SC-8056: Differences in Users' database level permissions are now correctly ignored when the Ignore users' permissions and role memberships option is enabled
  • SC-8059: User defined DEFAULT constraint names are no longer omitted from the deployment script when the Ignore constraint names option is used.
  • SC-8062: Square brackets are now correctly ignored in table-valued function definitions containing multiple WITH option clauses when the Ignore square brackets in object names option is turned on.
  • SC-8065: SQL Compare now ignores any partition functions and partition schemes that have been system-generated by full-text indexing.
  • SC-8082: SQL Compare will now ignore differences in the names of constraints where one of the source or target constraints is system-named and the Ignore system-named constraint names option is used.
  • SDC-1952SQL Compare no longer freezes when you switch to a password field with the touch keyboard enabled in Windows 10.

Known Issues

  • Dynamic data masking functions configured through the Azure portal will not be detected by SQL Compare. Functions configured through T-SQL on Azure are fully supported.

11.4.0 - November 17th, 2015



  • SC-7851: The new objects section of the Interactive HTML report (objects that are being CREATEd) now correctly populates the target object name column, rather than duplicating the owner information column.


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