SQL Monitor 3


SQL Monitor requires a license for each monitored host machine (including virtual machines), regardless of how many SQL Server instances are running on the machine. If you are managing clusters, a separate license is required for each node in the cluster.

Finding your serial number

When you purchase SQL Monitor, the Sales team will send you an email containing the serial number(s) to activate your licenses. To access your serial numbers at any time, login to the Red Gate website and follow the instructions.

Using the trial version of SQL Monitor

How long before my trial expires?

If you're currently using an evaluation version of SQL Monitor, the number of days remaining before your trial expires is displayed in the top right corner of the page:

What happens when my trial period expires?

Under special circumstances, Red Gate Sales may be able to extend your trial period. The trial license can only be extended once: if your extended trial has expired, contact Red Gate support

Once your trial has expired, SQL Monitor stops collecting data for your monitored servers and all unlicensed machines are removed from the Overview pages. Their status is changed to Unlicensed on the Monitored servers page. Click Contact sales to send an email to Red Gate, or Buy online to access the website.


Do you have any feedback on this documentation?

Let us know at sqlmonitorfeedback@red-gate.com

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