These pages cover ANTS Performance Profiler 8, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.
Log files
Published 11 June 2013
The information on this page relates to ANTS Performance Profiler, ANTS Memory Profiler and Exception Hunter only.
For other products, see Log file locations
Log files collect information about the application while you are using it. These files are useful to us if you have encountered a problem.
To open the folder where the log files are stored:
- On the Help menu, click Open Log Folder:
By default the log files are stored in:
If you are profiling an ASP.NET application in IIS, additional log files for the service and the trigger process are created. These are stored by default in:
The local app data folder used is that of the user who launched the product.
Changing the log file location
To change where log files are saved, create a new environment variable with the name RGTEMP. The value is the path for your log files.
The RGTEMP environment variable is also used by the profiler to save temporary results files during profiling. These temporary files could total several gigabytes, so ensure there is sufficient space at this path.