These pages cover ANTS Performance Profiler 9, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.
ANTS Performance Profiler 9.2 release notes
Published 09 July 2015
July 17th, 2015
- Support for ASP.NET 5 DNX web applications
Support for the pure-managed Oracle database driver (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client)
- Support for profiling async code in .NET 4.6
Added an average time column to the all-methods view (PP-597)
Query plan UI improvements
- PP-3490 - Fix a profiler core crash
- PP-2562 - Fix a problem profiling VB code with an empty finally block
- PP-3760 - Saved results now keep the selected region
- PP-3620 - Don't crash if connection strings contain newlines
- PP-3758 - Improve reliability of links between HTTP calls view and call tree
- PP-3735 - Filter corrupt or broken projects from history
- PP-1550 - Trap more error codes when attempting process enumeration for attach to process
- PP-3701 - Don't offer SQL profiling checkbox in modes where it's not supported
- PP-3745 - Fix memory leak when transitioning from SQL query to query plan view
- PP-3688 - Don't put the SQL credentials window above all other windows
- PP-3278 - Fix occasional deadlock in sampling mode
The Visual Studio add-in now launches DNX projects and works in Visual Studio 2015
Fixed compilation failure for one of the demo applications