SQL Clone 3


In version 3 of SQL Clone, the search box allows you to search your images and clones by name, type, creator, creation date, physical size, and number of clones (for images).


  • By creator: created-by:my-corp\my.user (matches any part of the name)
  • By creation date: created-before:2018/01/01 or created-after:2018-01-01
  • By physical size: size:>5GB, size:<10TB, size:0B
  • By number of clones: clones:>10, clones:<5, clones:0
  • By type: is:clone, is:image
  • By clone state: is:online, is:!online, is:offline, is:!offline
  • By name: any text string that isn't matched by the above (case-insensitive, matches any part of the name)


You can specify a sort with sort-asc and sort-desc.

  • By name: sort-asc:name or sort-desc:name
  • By size: sort-asc:size or sort-desc:size
  • By creation date: sort-asc:created-on or sort-desc:created-on

Only the first sort specified will be used.

You can combine these filters and sorts to narrow your search down more completely. For example, to find old, unused images of production that you might be able to delete:

prod is:image created-before:2018-01-01 clones:0 sort-desc:size

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