SQL Clone 3

Setting up SQL Data Catalog integration

SQL Clone can integrate with SQL Data Catalog.

If SQL Data Catalog is installed on the same machine as the SQL Clone server, SQL Clone will automatically detect the SQL Data Catalog installation. Otherwise, the address of SQL Data Catalog must be configured for SQL Clone to find it.

Configuring URI of SQL Data Catalog

1) If it doesn't already exist, create a new text file named SharedAppSettings.config in SQL Clone Server's installation directory and paste the following into it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <add key="SqlDataCatalogUri" value="DATACATALOGURL" />

If it does already exist, insert the following line immediately before the final line:

  <add key="SqlDataCatalogUri" value="DATACATALOGURL" />

2) Replace 'DATACATALOGURL' with the URL of SQL Data Catalog, for example 


3) Save SharedAppSettings.config and restart the SQL Clone Server service using services.msc or your preferred tool.

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