SQL Clone 4

Enabling verbose logging in agent

As part of our support process, Redgate may ask you to enable EnhancedLoggingLevel in one or more of your SQL Clone agents.

This setting will significantly increase the amount of information the agent will write to its log file, and may be necessary to diagnose some issues.

Enabling EnhancedLoggingLevel

On the machine hosting the agent, navigate to %PROGRAMDATA%\Red Gate\SQL Clone Agent and open the settings.json file.

You should see something like this:

  "ManagementService": {
    "Url": "https://<some-clone-server-url>:14146/",
    "Thumbprint": "1E987492A3260BFADEDE4D7E9E8AF1FBB095A40C"
  "Agent": {
    "RegistrationToken": "db8dd2af-baaa-baaa-93d9-65299018fe7f"

Modify it to add a new "EnhancedLoggingLevel" field in the "Agent" section, set to true (don't replace anything else!):

  "ManagementService": {
    "Url": "https://<some-clone-server-url>:14146/",
    "Thumbprint": "1E987492A3260BFADEDE4D7E9E8AF1FBB095A40C"
  "Agent": {
    "RegistrationToken": "db8dd2af-baaa-baaa-93d9-65299018fe7f",
    "EnhancedLoggingLevel": true

Finally, restart the SqlCloneAgent_X.Y.Z service on the machine to allow it to pick up the new settings.

Once you've been able to reproduce the issue, you can switch EnhancedLoggingLevel back off by switching the 'true' value with 'false', or removing the line entirely, and restarting the agent again.

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