Data Compare for Oracle 2

Help for older versions available.

These pages cover Data Compare for Oracle 2, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

Filtering the comparison with a WHERE clause

You can filter the rows that will be compared by applying a WHERE clause to the comparison. This is useful, for example, if you want to exclude a particular set of test data, or to speed up the comparison.

The WHERE Clause Editor doesn't validate WHERE clauses. The clauses are validated when the databases are compared.

To specify a WHERE clause for a table:

  1. On the Tables tab, double click the table you want to filter, or select it and click WHERE Clause.
    The WHERE Clause Editor is displayed:

    To apply the same WHERE clause to multiple tables, use SHIFT+Click or CTRL+Click.
  2. Type a valid WHERE clause. For example, if a table has columns ID, FirstName, and LastName, you may want to compare only rows where LastName is Smith. To do this, type the following in the box:

    1. LastName='Smith'

    If you want to apply a different WHERE clause for each data source, clear the Use the same WHERE clause for both data sources check box and type a WHERE clause in the box for the target database.

  3. Click OK. An icon ( ) is displayed next to any tables that will be filtered.

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