
Add concept

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Why is this useful ?

The add command is used to create new migration scripts following the naming convention of your existing migrations.

Auto-generated version

If no version is provided to the add command then Flyway will search all configured filesystem migration locations to determine the next migration version. For example, if two migration directories are configured with the following contents:

$ ls legacy-migrations

$ ls migrations

Then Flyway would calculate the next migration version to be 2.0.55.

Undo Scripts

In the case where an undo migration is generated then Flyway will use the description and version of the highest versioned migration. For example, if the migrations directory has the following contents before running the add command:

$ ls migrations

Then the add command would give the generated undo migration the version and description corresponding to feature_A. The command below shows this example:

$ flyway add -add.type=undo

created: .\migrations\U055__feature_A.sql

Quiet & nameOnly options

When flyway is run in Quiet mode, flyway add will output the name of the created migration file to the output stream only. If the nameOnly option is set, flyway will not create the file on disk, but will still calculate the name. This may be useful for scripting purposes where migration files are generated as part of the script:

NEXT_MIGRATION_FILE="$(flyway -q add -add.nameOnly=true)"

Further Reading

See here for more information on how to use the add command.

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