Redgate Flyway

Associating commits with issues, work items, bug ids

This example uses issues in a GitHub repository.  This process will be similar for any Git repos (Azure DevOps Repos, GitLab, Bitbucket, AWS CodeCommit, etc.).  If you are using Jira, you can also associate Git with your Jira issues.  See the section below for more details.   

Here is an issue on my GitHub board.  The issue number is 72:

In Flyway Desktop, enter this number as part of your commit message. 

When ready, push your changes to the remote repository.  Now, you can see the commit information as part of the issue:

Click on the commit hash to see more information about the commit and what files were changed.

In GitHub, you can also use key words (close, closes, closed, fixes, fixed) in your commit message to update the status of the issue as part of the commit.  Check if your Git system also has similar options.


Jira is a popular issue tracking tool from Atlassian.  In order to use the trick above to associate your commit to issues, make sure you're Jira system is connected to your Git system.  You can find many apps on the Atlassian Marketplace for Git integrattion with Jira.

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