
Automated state-based deployments using the schema model

Early Access

If you are interesting in deploying from the schema model with the flyway commandline please get in touch with the Development Team.  Our flyway-dev commandline is available in preview now.  We are working on making this fully available in the flyway commandline and would love your feedback.

You can also use the schema-model folder on disk to deploy database schema changes using our comparison technology (SQL Compare or Schema Compare for Oracle) in a state-based deployment.  You can use these technologies via the user interface or the command line.  The schema-model folder should contain a RedGateDatabaseInfo.xml file alongside a series of folders containing SQL scripts for your database objects.

If you want to deploy the latest version or a specific version from version control, then check this version out to a working folder and use this as the "Scripts folder" source. 

Command line example for SQL Server

The example below specifies the command for updating a target database (/Database2) from a scripts folder using the default Flyway Desktop comparison options.

sqlcompare /Scripts1:<enter folder> /Database2:<enter database connection string> /Synchronize /Options:Default,NoSQLPlumbing,IgnoreTSQLT,ConsiderNextFilegroupInPartitionSchemes,IgnoreUsers,IgnoreCollations,IgnoreDataCompression,IgnoreReplicationTriggers,IgnoreStatistics,IgnoreNotForReplication,IgnoreWithNocheck,DoNotOutputCommentHeader

For more information, see the:

If you need more control over your deployment scripts, we recommend using migration scripts.  Flyway Enterprise can generate versioned (and optionally undo) migration scripts from your schema model.  These scripts can then be edited, if needed, and saved in version control.  This is the exact script that will be run against your other environment and gives you full control over the script that will be used in your deployments.  This also allows you to include data motion changes in your migration scripts as well.  Flyway tracks which migration scripts have run on which databases and can tell when and how long they took.  Flyway can then apply any pending migration scripts.  For more details about migrations-based deployments, see Deploying database changes using Flyway.

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