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Backup Provisioner

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Flyway Enterprise

This provisioner allows for the provisioning and re-provisioning of databases using a database backup file.

Benefits of using the backup provisioner:

  • The database backup can contain static data and a flyway_schema_history table, allowing an environment to be provisioned with data to a desired version.
  • Restoring a database backup is not impacted by references to invalid objects. This makes the backup provisioner a good alternative to a baseline script.
  • Speeding up shadow provisioning - restoring a backup file that represents version 1000 is considerably quicker than running 1000 migrations scripts.

Supported backup file formats

The following database engines and backup file formats are supported:

  • SQL Server backup files (.bak).
  • Oracle dump files (.dmp) generated using the Data Pump Export tool expdp.


  • A database backup file, which could be a backup of production database for example. This backup file needs to be in a location accessible to the database server that will be provisioned i.e. on the database server itself or on a network share.

For SQL Server:

  • The environment URL must have the databaseName parameter set to the name of the database that the backup will be restored to. If this database doesn't yet exist on the target server then it will be created by the backup provisioner.

For Oracle:

  • The schemas that will be restored from the dump file must already exist on the target database.
  • The Oracle Data Pump Import tool impdp must be installed and available on the PATH of the machine running Flyway.
  • The user specified for the environment must have the IMP_FULL_DATABASE privilege, and a READ privilege on the directory where the dump file is located.

To configure this provisioner:

  1. Set the value of the provisioner parameter to backup.
  2. Populate the following resolver properties in the TOML configuration or as command line arguments:
    • backupFilePath - (Required) The file path of the backup file. Note: this needs to be accessible/relative to the database server that is being provisioned.
    • backupVersion - (Optional) The migration version the backup file represents. This property is required when the backup file doesn't contain a flyway_schema_history table. In this scenario a flyway_schema_history table will be created once the backup has been restored and a baseline entry with version backupVersion will be inserted into the flyway_schema_history table. If the backup file does contain a flyway_schema_history table then this property is optional. If left unset then the flyway_schema_history table from the backup will be restored unaltered, otherwise the flyway_schema_history will be updated to baseline version backupVersion.

Below we consider configuration and examples for each supported database engine.

SQL Server

Example Configuration

The backup provisioner can be configured in the TOML file as follows:

url = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=MyDatabase;trustServerCertificate=true"
user = "MyUser"
password = "${localSecret.MyPasswordKey}"
provisioner = "backup"

backupFilePath = '\\DBOps1\Backups\backup.bak'
backupVersion = "995"

This example will restore the backup file located at \\DBOps1\Backups\backup.bak to the MyDatabase database in the shadow environment. The MyDatabase database will be at version 995. This example represents a common scenario where a user may wish to reset the shadow environment to the same state as production, so that new development migrations can then be applied to the shadow and verified.


The T-SQL "WITH MOVE" syntax makes it possible to specify the file paths on disk that data and log files should be restored to. This can be required in a couple of scenarios:

  • The directory structure on the target database doesn't match that of the source database. For example, the source database stores data and log files under the C: drive, whilst the target database has no C: drive and stores database files under the D: drive.
  • The data and log file paths embedded in the backup file are already being used by a different database. For example, taking a database backup and restoring it on the same SQL Server instance but under a different database name, so that the restored database exists alongside the original. In this scenario, new file paths to restore the data and log files must be provided when performing the restore.

The backup provisioner provides two methods for adjusting the data and log files paths when restoring a database.

Auto-generate data and log file paths

The backup provisioner exposes a generateWithMove boolean parameter, which defaults to false. When set to true, the backup provisioner will auto-generate file paths for any data and log files contained within the backup file, and restore the backup using these generated file paths. The example TOML below shows how this can be enabled:

backupFilePath = '/tmp/backup/backup.bak'
backupVersion = "995"
sqlserver.generateWithMove = true

Specify data and log file paths

An alternative to the generateWithMove parameter above is to specify the exact file path that data and log files should be restored to. The example TOML below shows how this can be done:

backupFilePath = '/tmp/backup/backup.bak'
backupVersion = "995"

logicalName = "NewWorldDB"
filePath = "/var/opt/mssql/data/NewWorldDB_shadow_data.mdf"

logicalName = "NewWorldDB_log"
filePath = "/var/opt/mssql/data/NewWorldDB_shadow_log.ldf"


  • logicalName is the logical name of a data or log file in the backup file.
  • filePath is the file path on disk where the logical file will be restored to.

Note: When file paths are provided as above, then the generateWithMove parameter is ignored. i.e. User defined file paths take precedence over auto-generated file paths.


Additional parameters

The backup provisioner supports the following additional parameters for Oracle databases:

  • connectionIdentifier (Required) - The connect identifier used to connect to the target database i.e. An Oracle*Net connect descriptor or a net service name (usually defined in the tnsnames.ora file). The connectionIdentifier must contain or map to all data required to log in to the database without any user interaction. That is, using the connectionIdentifier should not require a username or password to be entered.
  • importContent (Optional) - The content to restore to the target schema. Valid values are:
    • METADATA_ONLY (Default) - Loads only database object definitions i.e. no data.
    • ALL - Loads database object definitions and data.
  • schemaMapping (Optional) - A map specifying the new schema names for the schemas in the dump file. The key is the schema name in the dump file and the value is the new schema name that it should be mapped to. This is useful when we wish to restore a schema from the dump file to a different schema name on the target database.

Example Configuration

The backup provisioner can be configured in the TOML configuration as follows:

url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/XE"
user = "DEV"
password = "${localSecret.MyPasswordKey}"
schemas = ["SHADOW"]
provisioner = "backup"

backupFilePath = "DATA_PUMP_DIR:dev.dmp"
backupVersion = "995"
oracle.connectionIdentifier = "/@MYALIAS"
oracle.importContent = "METADATA_ONLY"


This example will restore the backup file located at DATA_PUMP_DIR:dev.dmp to the SHADOW schema in the shadow environment. The SHADOW schema will be at version 995.

Some additional points to note are:

  • A backup of the DEV schema has been taken and exists at the location DATA_PUMP_DIR:dev.dmp. The dump file location is given in the format DIRECTORY:filename where DATA_PUMP_DIR is a default Data Pump directory available to use, and dev.dmp is the dump file name.
  • The DEV schema in the dump file will be restored to the SHADOW schema in the target shadow environment.
  • MYALIAS is a tnsnames.ora connection alias has been defined in the tnsnames.ora and an Oracle wallet with a password for MYALIAS has been created and configured in the sqlnet.ora.

If you do not wish to set up a tnsnames.ora connection alias or Oracle wallet, then a connection string of the form username/password@[//]host[:port][/service_name] can be used instead for the connectionIdentifier. For example, a DEV user with the password DEV_PASSWORD connecting to a database on localhost with the service name XE on port 1521 could have the connectionIdentifier specified as follows:

oracle.connectionIdentifier = "DEV/DEV_PASSWORD@localhost:1521/XE"

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