Redgate Flyway

Check Code concept

Check Code Concept

Flyway Community


The -code flag produces a report showing the results of running static code analysis over your SQL migrations from filesystem: Locations.

Rules that Flyway comes supplied with can be found in: Code Analysis Rules

For details on how to use code analysis, see the check -code parameter reference

Analysis engines

At least one needs to be present or else this command will fail with an error. Enterprise users have the Regular Expression engine available by default but otherwise you will have to install SQLFluff to use this command.

Analysis engine: SQLFluff


SQLFluff needs to be installed on the machine producing the report.

We currently integrate with version 1.2.1+ and You can install it by running:

pip3 install sqlfluff

Alternatively, the redgate/flyway docker image comes with this already pre-installed.

Configuring SQLFluff

If you provide a URL/environment to check -code Flyway will use it to automatically determine which SQL dialect to use when analysing your SQL.

If no URL is provided, then you need to configure the dialect in a .sqlfluff configuration file. This file needs to be located in the same location as the migrations being analysed.

You can find more information on configuration in the SQLFLuff documentation.

Analysis engine: Regular Expressions

Flyway Enterprise

Configuring Regular Expression rules

Customers can easily craft their own custom rules or take advantage of the set of rules Flyway provides:

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