
Command-line - diffText

Command-line: diffText - Preview

Flyway Enterprise

Prints the object level differences for a list of changes specified from the diff artifact computed previously by flyway diff.



> flyway diffText -diffText.artifactFilename=./diffArtifact -flyway.diffText.changes=["id1", "id2"]


  • artifactFilename - The file path to the diff artifact file. Defaults to the diff.artifactFilename, %temp%/flyway.artifact.diff or working directory if not configured.
  • changes - A comma separated list of change ids. If unspecified, all changes will be used. May specify - to read changes from stdin

Sample output

> flyway diffText

Flyway 10.19.0 by Redgate

--- Table/Schema.table2
+++ Table/Schema.table2
CREATE TABLE Schema.table2 (
    id int NULL,
    name varchar(10) NULL
--- Table/Schema.table3
+++ Table/Schema.table3
CREATE TABLE Schema.table3 (
    id int NULL,
    name varchar(15) NULL
--- View/Schema.view1
+++ View/Schema.view1
CREATE VIEW Schema.view1 AS select `Schema`.`table1`.`id` AS `id`,`Schema`.`table1`.`name` AS `name` from `Schema`.`table1`;

Sample JSON output

> flyway diffText -outputType=json
  "differences" : [ {
    "id" : "MQuXdkRAEhEyd5TIPzVoCStUucA",
    "differenceType" : "Add",
    "objectType" : "Table",
    "from" : {
      "schema" : "Schema",
      "name" : "table2",
      "definition" : "CREATE TABLE Schema.table2 (\n    id int NULL,\n    name varchar(10) NULL\n);"
    "to" : null
  }, {
    "id" : "exY9fOdORvbrXOYNPoqMmifWlEA",
    "differenceType" : "Add",
    "objectType" : "View",
    "from" : {
      "schema" : "Schema",
      "name" : "view1",
      "definition" : "CREATE VIEW Schema.view1 AS select `Schema`.`table1`.`id` AS `id`,`Schema`.`table1`.`name` AS `name` from `Schema`.`table1`;"
    "to" : null
  }, {
    "id" : "K5GPl1kQtgirPltRFC265Oni42M",
    "differenceType" : "Delete",
    "objectType" : "Table",
    "from" : null,
    "to" : {
      "schema" : "Schema",
      "name" : "table3",
      "definition" : "CREATE TABLE Schema.table3 (\n    id int NULL,\n    name varchar(15) NULL\n);"
  } ]

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