Redgate Flyway

Command-line - init

Command-line: init

Initialize a new Flyway TOML project


> flyway init [options]


The following options can be provided to the init command in the format -key=value:

  • init.projectName [REQUIRED] - The name of the project
  • init.databaseType [REQUIRED] - The database type of the project. Use flyway list-engines to find the possible values and enter without any spaces in the name, e.g., sqlserver, oracle, postgresql, mysql, snowflake, etc.
  • init.fileName - The name of the main TOML settings file. Defaults to 'flyway.toml'
  • init.from - If specified, instructs Flyway to initialize a project from an existing project. The supported existing project types are:
    • A Flyway '.conf' project - A Flyway project with a '.conf' configuration file. In this case init.from must be the path to the '.conf' configuration file
    • A SQL Source Control project - In this case init.from must be the path to the folder containing the project
    • A Source Control For Oracle project - In this case init.from must be the path to the folder containing the project
  • init.fromType - By default, Flyway infers the type of the existing project based on what is provided to init.from. You can explicitly specify this type instead if needed. The supported types are:
    • Default - This type is used when initializing a new project, not from an existing project
    • Conf - This type is used when initializing a project from an existing Flyway '.conf' project
    • SqlSourceControl - This type is used when initializing a project from an existing SQL Source Control project
    • SourceControlForOracle - This type is used when initializing a project from an existing Source Control For Oracle project


Initialize a new project

> flyway init -init.projectName=ExampleProject -init.databaseType=postgresql

Initialize a project from an existing Flyway '.conf' project

> flyway init -init.projectName=ExampleProject -init.databaseType=postgresql -init.from=path/to/flyway.conf

Initialize a project from an existing SQL Source Control project

> flyway init -init.projectName=ExampleProject -init.databaseType=sqlserver -init.from=path/to/projectFolder

Initialize a project from an existing Source Control For Oracle project

> flyway init -init.projectName=ExampleProject -init.databaseType=oracle -init.from=path/to/projectFolder

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