
Diff Apply concept

Diff Apply - Preview

Flyway Enterprise

This concept page assumes you understand the following area of Flyway:

Why is this useful ?

The diffApply command allows differences found by running the diff command to be applied to a target database environment or schema model.

How is this used ?

To use diffApply a diff must first be performed, which will store the differences between the specified source and target in a flyway.artifact.diff file. The differences in this file can then be applied to a specified target environment, which must be either diff.source or

For example, the following commands generate a diff between a dev environment and the schema model folder. All of the differences are then applied to the schema model folder.

$ flyway diff -diff.source=dev

diff artifact generated: C:\Users\FlywayUser\AppData\Local\Temp\flyway.artifact.diff
| Id                          | Change | Object Type | Schema | Name      |
| APhfajbztVFslUjNVEexkWeTBvc | Edit   | Table       | sakila | inventory |

$ flyway diffApply

Applied to schemaModel
 File updated: C:\Users\FlywayUser\Project\schema-model\sakila\Tables\inventory.rgm


  • To apply only a subset of changes use the diffApply.changes option. e.g. -diffApply.changes="APhfajbztVFslUjNVEexkWeTBvc".
  • The location of the diff artifact can be changed using the diff.artifactFilename and diffApply.artifactFilename options.
  • The inverse of the diff can be performed as well by specifying the diff.source as the i.e. This will apply the inverse change to the diff.source environment.

Further Reading

See here for more information on how to use the diffApply command.

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