
Diff Text concept

Diff Text - Preview

Flyway Enterprise

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Why is this useful ?

The diffText commands prints out the object level differences from the differences generated by diff.

How is this used ?

To perform diffText a diff operation must first be performed. You may either configure the toml or use the command line as shown below.

CLI configuration:

flyway diffText -diffText.changes="id1,id2"

Toml configuration:

changes = ["id1","id2"]

You may specify - as the set of change ids to read changes from standard in. If you do not provide any change ids then the differences for all changes are printed.


  • If the diff artifact provided is altered by any means which would result in the commandline being unable to read the artifact, then the diffText command will fail.
  • The location of the diff artifact can be changed using the diff.artifactFilename and diffText.artifactFilename options.

Further Reading

See here for more information on how to use the diffText command.

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