Published 31 October 2023
These parameters are all part of the flyway namespace, as these are not specific to any of your deployment targets.
Further Details
- Baseline Description
- Baseline Migration Prefix
- Baseline On Migrate
- Baseline Version
- Batch
- Callbacks
- Check
- Check Drift On Migrate
- Cherry Pick
- Clean Disabled
- Clickhouse
- Color
- Community DB Support Enabled
- Config File Encoding
- Config Files
- Create Schemas
- Dapr Secrets
- Dapr URL
- DB2 zOS
- Default Schema
- Detect Encoding
- Dry Run Output
- Encoding
- Environment
- ErrorOverrides
- Execute In Transaction
- Fail On Missing Locations
- Google Cloud Secret Manager Project
- Google Cloud Secret Manager Secrets
- Group
- Id
- Ignore Migration Patterns
- Installed By
- Jar Dirs
- Kerberos Config File
- License Key
- Locations
- Lock Retry Count
- Loggers
- Mixed
- Name
- Oracle
- Out Of Order
- Output Query Results
- OutputType
- Pipeline Id
- Placeholder Prefix
- Placeholder Replacement
- Placeholders
- Placeholder Separator
- Placeholder Suffix
- PostgreSQL
- Publish Result
- Redgate Disable Telemetry
- Repeatable SQL Migration Prefix
- Report Enabled
- Report Filename
- Resolver
- Schema Model Location
- Schema Model Schemas
- Script Placeholder Prefix
- Script Placeholder Suffix
- Skip Default Callbacks
- Skip Default Resolvers
- Skip Executing Migrations
- Snapshot Filename
- SQL Migration Prefix
- SQL Migration Separator
- SQL Migration Suffixes
- SQL Server
- Stream
- Table
- Tablespace
- Target
- Token
- Undo SQL Migration Prefix
- Validate Migration Naming
- Validate On Migrate
- Vault Secrets
- Vault Token
- Vault URL
- Working Directory