Redgate Flyway

Flyway Desktop actions in command line

The Flyway-dev CLI was released as Preview Software and is now deprecated.  The Flyway-dev capabilities (e.g., initialize a project, save to the schema model, etc.) are available directly in the Flyway CLI.  The following pages contain more information on replacing your Flyway-dev Preview workflows with the fully supported commands in the Flyway CLI.  There are also more examples about all the developer workflows now available in the Flyway CLI.

The following lists capabilities available in the Flyway-Dev CLI Preview release:  

  1. Create a new project
  2. Save changes in your development database to the schema model on disk
  3. Generate a baseline script
  4. Get the version information for the next migration script

These capabilities are now available directly in the Flyway CLI.  Learn more about how to accomplish these tasks with the Automated developer workflows available in the Flyway CLI. 


Email the developers if you have any questions about moving from the flyway-dev Preview commands to the fully supported flyway commands.  We appreciate your feedback. 

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