Local Secret

Local Secret

The Local Secret resolver is intended for reading secrets on a development machine from that machine's secret store. The store flyway will use depends on the operating system of the machine.

Note that accessing the credential storage may prompt for a password, and therefore this resolver is not recommended for use in CI systems or other non-interactive workflows.

The local secret resolver uses the following syntax: ${localSecret.key} where key is the name used to identify the secret in the operating system specific secrets manager.


url = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;databaseName=devDb"
user = "myUser"
password = "${localSecret.devDbPassword}"


The Windows Credential Manager is used. The secret must be stored as a password field inside a "Generic Credential" under "Windows Based Credentials".


The Mac keychain will be used. The secret will be read as a generic password (find-generic-password) with a service name ("Keychain Item Name") of Flyway. The key used by the secret resolver will be the account name for the keychain item.


Libsecret is used, if available. The resolver will look in the default keychain. The resolver will match against the following secret schema:

product: Flyway
version: 1

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