Project user settings

All project settings can be overridden in the user settings file, flyway.user.toml.

By default, the development and shadow database connection information is stored in the user settings file instead of the project file as it is likely to vary between users. It can be stored in the project settings directly if desired (e.g., if everyone on the team has the same development database or everyone uses localhost).


url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/dev"
user = "developmentUsername"
password = "developmentPassword"
schemas: ["FW-PROJECT"]
displayName = "Development database"

url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/shadow"
user = "shadowUsername"
password = "shadowPassword"
schemas: ["FW-PROJECT_SHADOW"]
displayName = "Shadow database"
provisioner = "clean"

Note: If you see a flyway-dev.user file in your project, learn more about upgrading to the new toml format.

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