Redgate Flyway

For PostgreSQL users - where are your DBs hosted?

Redgate Compare SQL Server Namespace

This namespace contains the SQL-Server-specific configurations relating to database comparisons and deployment script generation.


Setting Type Description
filterFile String The path to your SQL Server filter file.

Database-specific namespaces

Namespace Tier Description
data.options.comparison Teams Configuration relating to SQL Server static data comparison.
data.options.deployment Teams Configuration relating to SQL Server static data deployment.
data.options.mapping Teams Configuration relating to SQL Server static data mapping.
options.behavior Enterprise Configuration relating to SQL Server database comparison and script generation behavior.
options.ignores Enterprise Configuration relating to the database features/syntax to track when running SQL Server database comparisons.

Hard-coded options

The following options are available in Redgate SQL Compare (Flyway uses the same engine under the hood) but are hard-coded in Flyway and cannot be altered:

Option name Hard-coded value
AddDatabaseUseStatement false
DisableAndReenableDdlTriggers false
DisableAutoColumnMapping false
DoNotOutputCommentHeader true
DropAndCreateInsteadOfAlter false
IgnoreCertificatesAndCryptoKeys false
IgnoreChecks false
IgnoreConstraintNames false
IgnoreIdentityProperties false
IgnoreKeys false
IgnoreTriggerOrder false
NoDeploymentLogging true
NoErrorHandling true
NoTransactions true
ThrowOnFileParseFailed false

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