
Schema Model concept

Schema Model

A schema model is a representation of a database in a file-based format, much like a snapshot. However, unlike a snapshot, each database object is stored in a separate file containing a human readable representation of the object. This makes it possible to store the schema of your database as it looks right now in a version control system alongside your migrations. This can be useful to track how individual objects have evolved over time.

Why is this useful ?

Multiple developers can update the schema model with their changes using a version control system. The schema model can then later be diffed with a database, and the changes applied to either the database or schema model. This allows for a more controlled and collaborative approach to database development.

How is this used ?

The schema model is primarily used with the diff and diffApply commands. In both cases the following properties should be set when using a schema model:

  • schemaModelLocation - The location of the schema model folder on disk.
  • schemaModelSchemas - A list of schemas contained in the schema model that should be considered when performing a diff. This is schema model's equivalent of the flyway.schemas property.

These two properties can be set in the toml configuration file as shown below:

schemaModelLocation = "./schema-model"
schemaModelSchemas = [ "SchemaName1", "SchemaName2" ]

Below is an example of the directory structure of a schema model folder for a MySQL database with a sakila schema:

$ tree schema-model
├── model.json
└── sakila
    ├── Functions
    │ ├── get_customer_balance.rgm
    │ ├── inventory_held_by_customer.rgm
    │ └── inventory_in_stock.rgm
    ├── Procedures
    │ ├── film_in_stock.rgm
    │ ├── film_not_in_stock.rgm
    │ └── rewards_report.rgm
    ├── Tables
    │ ├── NewTable.rgm
    │ ├── actor.rgm
    │ ├── address.rgm
    │ ├── category.rgm
    │ ├── city.rgm
    │ ├── country.rgm
    │ ├── customer.rgm
    │ ├── film.rgm
    │ ├── film_actor.rgm
    │ ├── film_category.rgm
    │ ├── film_text.rgm
    │ ├── inventory.rgm
    │ ├── language.rgm
    │ ├── payment.rgm
    │ ├── rental.rgm
    │ ├── staff.rgm
    │ └── store.rgm
    ├── Views
    │ ├── TestView.rgm
    │ ├── actor_info.rgm
    │ ├── customer_list.rgm
    │ ├── film_list.rgm
    │ ├── nicer_but_slower_film_list.rgm
    │ ├── sales_by_film_category.rgm
    │ ├── sales_by_store.rgm
    │ └── staff_list.rgm
    └── sakila.rgm

5 directories, 33 files

Usage with diff

See here for more information on the diff command.

A schema model can be used as the diff.source or when running the diff command. This allows the differences between the schema model and an alternative target to be calculated.

For example, the following command generates a diff between the schema model folder and a dev environment.

$ flyway diff -diff.source=schemaModel

diff artifact generated: C:\Users\FlywayUser\AppData\Local\Temp\flyway.artifact.diff
| Id                          | Change | Object Type | Schema | Name |
| SaBpajbztVFslUjNVEexkWeTBvc | Edit   | Table       | sakila | film |

These differences can then be used with the diffApply command which is discussed below.

Usage with diffApply

See here for more information on the diffApply command.

The diffApply command applies the differences from a diff artifact to a target, which can be a schema model. Therefore, we can use the diffApply command to update a schema model.

Note: Whilst the schema model can be updated by hand, it is recommended to use the diff and diffApply commands to ensure that any changes made are valid and applied correctly.

For example, the following commands generate a diff between a dev environment and the schema model folder. All the differences are then applied to the schema model folder using the diffApply command.

$ flyway diff -diff.source=dev

diff artifact generated: C:\Users\FlywayUser\AppData\Local\Temp\flyway.artifact.diff
| Id                          | Change | Object Type | Schema | Name      |
| APhfajbztVFslUjNVEexkWeTBvc | Edit   | Table       | sakila | inventory |

$ flyway diffApply

Applied to schemaModel
 File updated: C:\Users\FlywayUser\Project\schema-model\sakila\Tables\inventory.rgm

We can see from the output above that the inventory table in the sakila schema has been updated. This change is reflected in the inventory.rgm file in the schema model folder.

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