Tutorial - Migrating from flyway-dev to flyway CLI
Published 15 January 2025
Tutorial: Migrating from flyway-dev to flyway CLI
The V11 release of Flyway saw several new Flyway CLI verbs removed from preview and officially released. In this
document we will explore how to migrate from flyway-dev
to these new verbs, as flyway-dev
will eventually be
deprecated in favour of flyway CLI.
This document will go through the key flyway-dev
commands and show how to achieve the same functionality using the
new flyway CLI verbs.
The examples presented here assumed you are using at least Flyway CLI version 11.0.0 and have a teams or enterprise license.
Note: The flyway CLI examples below assume flyway is run from the project directory. To run flyway CLI from another
directory use the workingDirectory
argument to specify the
project location.
init - Creating a new project
The init
command initializes a new flyway project, For examples, a new SQL Server project can be created using
the flyway-dev init
command as shown below:
flyway-dev init --name=SqlServerProject --path=C:\Users\redgate\Documents\SqlServerProject --database-type=SqlServer --i-agree-to-the-eula
Flyway CLI also has an init
command which performs the same action, and so the equivalent can be achieved using the
command in flyway CLI as shown below. However, note that flyway CLI must be run from the directory where the
project should be created.
$ mkdir C:\Users\redgate\Documents\SqlServerProject
$ cd C:\Users\redgate\Documents\SqlServerProject
$ flyway init "-init.projectName=SqlServerProject" "-init.databaseType=sqlserver"
diff - Calculate the differences between two sources
The diff
command is used to determine the differences between two sources, so that the differences can later be
applied to a target or used to generate a migration script. For example, to generate a diff between the dev environment
and schemaModel, the following flyway-dev
command can be used:
flyway-dev diff -p=C:\Users\redgate\Documents\TestFdCmdLine --from=Dev --to=SchemaModel -a=C:\Users\redgate\Documents\TestFdCmdLine\Temp\artifact1 --i-agree-to-the-eula
Flyway CLI also has a diff command which performs the same action, and takes a variety of sources to compare between:
- uses the environment with the idenvId
, defined in the TOML configurationempty
- models an empty databaseschemaModel
- the schema model folder referenced by schemaModelLocationmigrations
- uses a buildEnvironment to represent the state of database after specified migrations have been appliedsnapshot:<filePath>
- uses a snapshot file at the specified file path
Therefore, to perform the same comparison between the dev environment and schemaModel using flyway CLI, the following command can be used:
flyway diff "-diff.source=development" "-diff.target=schemaModel"
- The id of the environment should be used as an argument to
in flyway CLI. - A path to the artifact file can optionally be provided using the
argument, however a default path in a temporary location will be used if none is provided.
show - Display changes in a diff artifact
The show
command is used to display the changes in a diff artifact. For example, the following flyway-dev
will display the differences from the specified artifact file:
flyway-dev show -p=C:\Users\redgate\Documents\TestFdCmdLine -a=C:\Users\redgate\Documents\TestFdCmdLine\Temp\artifact1 --i-agree-to-the-eula
Flyway CLI has a diffText command which performs the same action, and is invoked in a similar way:
flyway diffText
Note: diffText
will use the default artifact location if none is provided. An artifact file can be specified using
apply - Apply changes from a diff artifact to a target
The apply
command is used to apply changes from a diff artifact to a target, where the target could be the schema
model or a target database. For example, the following flyway-dev
command will apply the specified change from the
artifact file to the target used in the diff:
flyway-dev apply -p=C:\Users\redgate\Documents\TestFdCmdLine -a=C:\Users\redgate\Documents\TestFdCmdLine\Temp\artifact1 -c=VGFibGU6W2Rib10uW1Rlc3RUYWJsZV0 --i-agree-to-the-eula
Flyway CLI doesn't have an exact equivalent to the apply
command. However, it's possible to apply changes from a diff
artifact to the schema model or a target database using the model
command or prepare + deploy
commands respectively.
Each case is examined below.
Apply changes to the schema model
The model command can be used to apply changes from a diff artifact to the schema model. The example below applies the specified change from the diff artifact to the schema model:
flyway model "-model.changes=VGFibGU6W2Rib10uW1Rlc3RUYWJsZV0" "-model.artifactFilename=C:\Users\redgate\Documents\TestFdCmdLine\Temp\artifact1"
Apply changes to a target database
The prepare and deploy commands can be used in combination to apply changes to a target database. The example below applies the specified change from the diff artifact to the prod environment:
flyway prepare deploy "-prepare.artifactFilename=C:\Users\redgate\Documents\TestFdCmdLine\Temp\artifact1" "-prepare.changes=VGFibGU6W2Rib10uW1Rlc3RUYWJsZV0" -environment=prod
generate - Generate a migration script from a diff artifact
The generate
command is used to generate a migration script from a diff artifact. For example, the following
command will generate a baseline migration script from the specified artifact file:
echo "VGFibGU6W2Rib10uW1Rlc3RUYWJsZV0" | flyway-dev generate -p 'C:\WorkingFolders\FWD\ProjectFolder' -a 'C:\WorkingFolders\FWD\ProjectFolder\artifact.zip' -o 'C:\WorkingFolders\FWD\ProjectFolder\migrations' --name 'B001__BaselineScript.sql' --versioned-only --i-agree-to-the-eula
Flyway CLI has a generate command which performs the same action. The following command generates a baseline script:
flyway generate "-generate.changes=VGFibGU6W2Rib10uW1Rlc3RUYWJsZV0" "-generate.artifactFilename=C:\WorkingFolders\FWD\ProjectFolder\artifact.zip" "-generate.baselineFilename=B001__BaselineScript.sql" "-generate.types=baseline"
Versioned and undo scripts can also be generated in a similar way:
flyway generate "-generate.changes=QvJIORGzbAAz3irDJbEKBcQr8QY" "-generate.types=versioned,undo" "-generate.description=NewFeature"
next-migration-name - Generate the next migration name
The next-migration-name
command is used to generate the next migration name. For example, the following flyway-dev
command will generate the next migration name:
flyway-dev next-migration-name -p=C:\Users\redgate\Documents\TestFdCmdLine -d="DataUpdates" --i-agree-to-the-eula
Flyway CLI has an add
command which can be used to generate the next migration name. The following command
prints out the next migration name:
flyway add "-add.nameOnly=true" "-add.description=DataUpdates"
Note: Omitting -add.nameOnly=true
will cause the add command to create the migration file in the first filesystem
migration location found.
The generate
command has parameters that can be used to specify the migration filename to be created. Therefore,
generation of the migration filename can be combined with the creation of the next migration script. For example, the
command below creates a versioned script with the filename V150_20241213111525__AddOrdersTable.sql
containing the SQL changes from the most recent diff artifact:
flyway generate "-generate.types=versioned" "-generate.description=AddOrdersTable" "-generate.version=150" "-generate.timestamp=always"
Therefore, scenarios where next-migration-name
could be used are now covered by the generate
and add
commands in
flyway CLI.
The table below summarizes flyway-dev
commands and their equivalent in flyway CLI:
flyway-dev Command | flyway CLI Command | Notes |
init |
init |
diff |
diff |
show |
diffText |
take |
(No equivalent) | |
apply |
model or prepare + deploy |
Use model for deploying to a schema model and prepare + deploy for deploying to a target database |
generate |
generate |
promote |
(No equivalent) | |
resolve |
info |
The resolve command is a wrapper around flyway info |
parse-migration-name |
(No equivalent) | |
construct-migration-name |
add |