SQL Server comparison settings
Published 21 July 2023
These are the settings relating to database comparisons and deployment script generation for SQL Server. You can also update these through the Flyway Desktop UI.
SQL Server settings table
Name | Required? | Type | Description |
filterFile | Yes | String | The path to your SQL Compare filter file |
schemaSettings | No | Schema settings table | Comparison settings relating to schemas |
dataSettings | No | Data settings table | Comparison settings relating to data |
SQL Server schema settings table
Name | Required? | Type | Description |
behaviourSettings | No | Behaviour settings table | Comparison behaviour settings |
ignoreSettings | No | Ignore settings table | Comparison ignore settings |
SQL Server schema behaviour settings table
Name | Required? | Type |
addCreateOrAlterForRerunnableScripts | No | Boolean |
addDropAndCreateForRerunnableScripts | No | Boolean |
addNoPopulationToFulltextIndexes | No | Boolean |
addObjectExistenceChecks | No | Boolean |
addOnlineOnWhenCreatingIndexesOrAlteringColumns | No | Boolean |
addWithEncryption | No | Boolean |
considerNextFilegroupInPartitionSchemes | No | Boolean |
decryptEncryptedObjects | No | Boolean |
disableAutoColumnMapping | No | Boolean |
dontUseAlterAssemblyToChangeClrObjects | No | Boolean |
forbidDuplicateTableStorageSettings | No | Boolean |
forceColumnOrder | No | Boolean |
ignoreMigrationScripts | No | Boolean |
includeDependencies | No | Boolean |
includeRoleExistenceChecks | No | Boolean |
includeSchemaExistenceChecks | No | Boolean |
inlineFulltextFields | No | Boolean |
inlineTableObjects | No | Boolean |
useCaseSensitiveObjectDefinition | No | Boolean |
useDatabaseCompatibilityLevel | No | Boolean |
useSetStatementsInScriptDatabaseInfo | No | Boolean |
writeAssembliesAsDlls | No | Boolean |
SQL Server schema ignore settings table
Name | Required? | Type |
ignoreAuthorizationOnSchemaObjects | No | Boolean |
ignoreBindings | No | Boolean |
ignoreChangeTracking | No | Boolean |
ignoreCollations | No | Boolean |
ignoreComments | No | Boolean |
ignoreDataCompression | No | Boolean |
ignoreDataSyncSchema | No | Boolean |
ignoreDatabaseAndServerNameInSynonyms | No | Boolean |
ignoreDmlTriggers | No | Boolean |
ignoreDynamicDataMasking | No | Boolean |
ignoreEventNotificationsOnQueues | No | Boolean |
ignoreExtendedProperties | No | Boolean |
ignoreFileGroupsPartitionSchemesAndPartitionFunctions | No | Boolean |
ignoreFillFactorAndIndexPadding | No | Boolean |
ignoreFullTextIndexing | No | Boolean |
ignoreIdentitySeedAndIncrementValues | No | Boolean |
ignoreIndexes | No | Boolean |
ignoreInsteadOfTriggers | No | Boolean |
ignoreInternallyUsedMicrosoftExtendedProperties | No | Boolean |
ignoreLockPropertiesOfIndexes | No | Boolean |
ignoreNocheckAndWithNocheck | No | Boolean |
ignoreNotForReplication | No | Boolean |
ignoreNullabilityOfColumns | No | Boolean |
ignorePerformanceIndexes | No | Boolean |
ignorePermissions | No | Boolean |
ignoreReplicationTriggers | No | Boolean |
ignoreSchemas | No | Boolean |
ignoreSensitivityClassifications | No | Boolean |
ignoreSetQuotedIdentifierAndSetAnsiNullsStatements | No | Boolean |
ignoreSquareBracketsInObjectNames | No | Boolean |
ignoreStatistics | No | Boolean |
ignoreStatisticsIncremental | No | Boolean |
ignoreStatisticsNoRecomputePropertyOnIndexes | No | Boolean |
ignoreSynonymDependencies | No | Boolean |
ignoreSystemNamedConstraintAndIndexNames | No | Boolean |
ignoreTsqltFrameworkAndTests | No | Boolean |
ignoreUserProperties | No | Boolean |
ignoreUsersPermissionsAndRoleMemberships | No | Boolean |
ignoreWhiteSpace | No | Boolean |
ignoreWithElementOrder | No | Boolean |
ignoreWithEncryption | No | Boolean |
ignoreWithNoCheck | No | Boolean |
SQL Server data settings table
Name | Required? | Type | Description |
mappingSettings | No | Mapping settings table | Data mapping settings |
comparisonSettings | No | Comparison settings table | Data comparison settings |
deploymentSettings | No | Deployment settings table | Data deployment settings |
SQL Server data mapping settings table
Name | Required? | Type |
includeTimestampColumns | No | Boolean |
useCaseSensitiveObjectDefinition | No | Boolean |
SQL Server data comparison settings table
Name | Required? | Type |
compressTemporaryFiles | No | Boolean |
dorceBinaryCollation | No | Boolean |
treatEmptyStringAsNull | No | Boolean |
trimTrailingWhiteSpace | No | Boolean |
useChecksumComparison | No | Boolean |
useMaxPrecisionForFloatComparison | No | Boolean |
SQL Server data deployment settings table
Name | Required? | Type |
disableDdlTriggers | No | Boolean |
disableDmlTriggers | No | Boolean |
disableForeignKeys | No | Boolean |
dontIncludeCommentsInScript | No | Boolean |
dropPrimaryKeysIndexesAndUniqueConstraints | No | Boolean |
reseedIdentityColumns | No | Boolean |
skipIntegrityChecksForForeignKeys | No | Boolean |
transportClrDataTypesAsBinary | No | Boolean |
[redgateCompare.sqlserver] filterFile = "Filter.scpf" [redgateCompare.sqlserver.options.behavior] addCreateOrAlterForRerunnableScripts = false addDropAndCreateForRerunnableScripts = false addNoPopulationToFulltextIndexes = false addObjectExistenceChecks = false addOnlineOnWhenCreatingIndexesOrAlteringColumns = false addWithEncryption = false considerNextFilegroupInPartitionSchemes = true decryptEncryptedObjects = true disableAutoColumnMapping = false dontUseAlterAssemblyToChangeClrObjects = false forbidDuplicateTableStorageSettings = false forceColumnOrder = false ignoreMigrationScripts = false includeDependencies = true includeRoleExistenceChecks = true includeSchemaExistenceChecks = true inlineFulltextFields = false inlineTableObjects = false useCaseSensitiveObjectDefinition = false useDatabaseCompatibilityLevel = false useSetStatementsInScriptDatabaseInfo = false writeAssembliesAsDlls = false [redgateCompare.sqlserver.options.ignores] ignoreAuthorizationOnSchemaObjects = false ignoreBindings = false ignoreChangeTracking = false ignoreCollations = true ignoreComments = false ignoreDataCompression = true ignoreDataSyncSchema = false ignoreDatabaseAndServerNameInSynonyms = true ignoreDmlTriggers = false ignoreDynamicDataMasking = false ignoreEventNotificationsOnQueues = false ignoreExtendedProperties = false ignoreFileGroupsPartitionSchemesAndPartitionFunctions = true ignoreFillFactorAndIndexPadding = true ignoreFullTextIndexing = false ignoreIdentitySeedAndIncrementValues = false ignoreIndexes = false ignoreInsteadOfTriggers = false ignoreInternallyUsedMicrosoftExtendedProperties = false ignoreLockPropertiesOfIndexes = false ignoreNocheckAndWithNocheck = false ignoreNotForReplication = true ignoreNullabilityOfColumns = false ignorePerformanceIndexes = false ignorePermissions = false ignoreReplicationTriggers = true ignoreSchemas = false ignoreSensitivityClassifications = false ignoreSetQuotedIdentifierAndSetAnsiNullsStatements = false ignoreSquareBracketsInObjectNames = false ignoreStatistics = true ignoreStatisticsIncremental = false ignoreStatisticsNoRecomputePropertyOnIndexes = false ignoreSynonymDependencies = false ignoreSystemNamedConstraintAndIndexNames = false ignoreTsqltFrameworkAndTests = true ignoreUserProperties = true ignoreUsersPermissionsAndRoleMemberships = true ignoreWhiteSpace = true ignoreWithElementOrder = true ignoreWithEncryption = false ignoreWithNoCheck = true [redgateCompare.sqlserver.data.options.mapping] includeTimestampColumns = false useCaseSensitiveObjectDefinition = true [redgateCompare.sqlserver.data.options.comparison] compressTemporaryFiles = false forceBinaryCollation = true treatEmptyStringAsNull = false trimTrailingWhiteSpace = false useChecksumComparison = false useMaxPrecisionForFloatComparison = false [redgateCompare.sqlserver.data.options.deployment] disableDdlTriggers = true disableDmlTriggers = false disableForeignKeys = false dontIncludeCommentsInScript = false dropPrimaryKeysIndexesAndUniqueConstraints = false reseedIdentityColumns = false skipIntegrityChecksForForeignKeys = false transportClrDataTypesAsBinary = false