Flyway Namespace
Published 15 January 2025
This namespace contains the configurations specific to the Flyway engine.
General settings
Setting | Tier | Type | Description |
communityDBSupportEnabled |
Community | Boolean | Enables support for community databases. |
environment |
Community | String | The target environment. |
kerberosConfigFile |
Teams | String | The path to the your Kerberos configuration file. |
loggers |
Community | String array | Loggers to use. |
reportEnabled |
Community | Boolean | Whether to enable generating a report file. |
reportFilename |
Community | String | Filename for the report file. |
Migration location and naming settings
Setting | Tier | Type | Description |
baselineMigrationPrefix |
Community | String | The file name prefix for baseline migrations. |
failOnMissingLocations |
Community | Boolean | Whether to fail if a location doesn't exist. |
jarDirs |
Community | String array | Directories containing JDBC drivers and Java-based migrations. |
locations |
Community | String array | Locations to scan recursively for migrations. |
repeatableSqlMigrationPrefix |
Community | String | The file name prefix for repeatable migrations. |
sqlMigrationPrefix |
Community | String | The file name prefix for versioned migrations. |
sqlMigrationSeparator |
Community | String | The file name separator for migrations. |
sqlMigrationSuffixes |
Community | String array | The file name suffixes for migrations. |
migrationResolvers |
Community | String array | Custom migration resolvers for resolving migrations to apply. |
skipDefaultResolvers |
Community | Boolean | Skip built-in migration resolvers. |
undoSqlMigrationPrefix |
Teams | String | The file name prefix for undo migrations. |
validateMigrationNaming |
Community | Boolean | Error on migration files whose names do not match the naming conventions. |
Migration reading settings
Setting | Tier | Type | Description |
detectEncoding |
Community | Boolean | Whether Flyway should attempt to auto-detect the file encoding of each migration. |
encoding |
Community | String | The encoding of migration scripts. |
placeholderPrefix |
Community | String | The prefix of every placeholder. |
placeholderReplacement |
Community | Boolean | Whether placeholders should be replaced. |
placeholderSeparator |
Community | String | The separator of default placeholders. |
placeholderSuffix |
Community | String | The suffix of every placeholder. |
scriptPlaceholderPrefix |
Community | String | The prefix of every script migration placeholder. |
scriptPlaceholderSuffix |
Community | String | The suffix of every script migration placeholder. |
Migration execution settings
Setting | Tier | Type | Description |
batch |
Community | Boolean | Whether to batch SQL statements when executing them. |
callbacks |
Community | String array | Callbacks to use to hook into the Flyway lifecycle. |
cherryPick |
Teams | String array | A list of migrations that Flyway should consider when migrating. |
createSchemas |
Community | Boolean | Create the configured schemas if they do not exist. |
dryRunOutput |
Teams | String | File path to output a dry run script to. |
errorOverrides |
Teams | String array | Rules for the built-in error handler. |
executeInTransaction |
Community | Boolean | Whether to execute scripts within a transaction. |
group |
Community | Boolean | Whether to group all pending migrations together in the same transaction when applying them. |
installedBy |
Community | String | The username that will be recorded in the schema history table as having applied a migration. |
lockRetryCount |
Community | Integer | Number of times to try and take a lock at 1s intervals when migrating. |
mixed |
Community | Boolean | Allow mixing transactional and non-transactional statements within the same migration. |
outOfOrder |
Community | Boolean | Allow migrations to be run out of order. |
outputQueryResults |
Community | Boolean | Output a table with the results of queries when executing migrations. |
skipDefaultCallbacks |
Community | Boolean | Skip built-in callbacks. |
skipExecutingMigrations |
Community | Boolean | Skip migration execution. |
stream |
Community | Boolean | Stream migrations when executing them. |
target |
Community | String | The target version up to which to consider migrations. |
validateOnMigrate |
Community | Boolean | Run validate command when running migrate command. |
Flyway schema history settings
Setting | Tier | Type | Description |
defaultSchema |
Community | String | The schema in which to create Flyway's schema history table. |
table |
Community | String | The name of Flyway's schema history table. |
tablespace |
Community | String | The tablespace in which to create Flyway's schema history table. |
Schema model settings
Setting | Tier | Type | Description |
schemaModelLocation |
Community* | String | The location of the schema model folder. |
schemaModelSchemas |
Community* | String array | schemas that should be supported by the schema model folder. |
Authentication settings
Setting | Tier | Type | Description |
email |
Community | String | Email to be used in conjunction with a personal access token. |
token |
Community | String | Personal access token used for licensing Flyway. |
Flyway Pipelines integration settings
Setting | Tier | Type | Description |
checkDriftOnMigrate |
Community | Boolean | Enables automatic drift checks on migrate. |
pipelineId |
Community | String | An id for identifying your pipeline. |
publishResult |
Community | Boolean | Whether to publish the result of your Flyway run to Flyway Pipelines. |
Baseline settings
Setting | Tier | Type | Description |
baselineDescription |
Community | String | The Description to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline . |
baselineOnMigrate |
Community | Boolean | Run baseline command when running migrate command. |
baselineVersion |
Community | String | The version to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline . |
Clean settings
Setting | Tier | Type | Description |
cleanDisabled |
Community | Boolean | Whether to disable clean. |
Validation settings
Setting | Tier | Type | Description |
ignoreMigrationPatterns |
Community | String array | Ignore migrations during validate and repair according to a given list of patterns. |
General namespaces
Namespace | Description |
placeholders |
Placeholders to replace in migrations. |
Database-specific namespaces
Namespace | Description |
clickhouse |
Settings specific to Clickhouse. |
db2z |
Settings specific to DB2 zOS. |
oracle |
Settings specific to Oracle. |
postgresql |
Settings specific to PostgreSQL. |
sqlserver |
Settings specific to SQL Server. |
Command-specific namespaces
Namespace | Tier | Description |
add |
Community | Settings specific to the add command. |
check |
Teams/Enterprise | Settings specific to the check command. |
deploy |
Community | Settings specific to the deploy command. |
diff |
Teams | Settings specific to the diff command. |
diffText |
Teams | Settings specific to the diffText command. |
generate |
Enterprise | Settings specific to the generate command. |
init |
Community | Settings specific to the init command. |
model |
Teams | Settings specific to the model command. |
prepare |
Enterprise | Settings specific to the prepare command. |
snapshot |
Enterprise | Settings specific to the snapshot command. |
Secrets management namespaces
Usage of per-environment resolvers is preferred.
Namespace | Description |
dapr |
Settings specific to Dapr. |
gcsm |
Settings specific to Google Cloud Secret Manager. |
vault |
Settings specific to Vault. |
Deprecated settings
Setting | Tier | Type | Description |
licenseKey |
Teams | String | Your Flyway license key. |
* There is no license restriction on this setting strictly speaking, but it is used to configure functionality which is only available at Teams and above.