Redgate Flyway

For PostgreSQL users - where are your DBs hosted?

Flyway Namespace

This namespace contains the configurations specific to the Flyway engine.

General settings

Setting Tier Type Description
communityDBSupportEnabled Community Boolean Enables support for community databases.
environment Community String The target environment.
kerberosConfigFile Teams String The path to the your Kerberos configuration file.
loggers Community String array Loggers to use.
reportEnabled Community Boolean Whether to enable generating a report file.
reportFilename Community String Filename for the report file.

Migration location and naming settings

Setting Tier Type Description
baselineMigrationPrefix Community String The file name prefix for baseline migrations.
failOnMissingLocations Community Boolean Whether to fail if a location doesn't exist.
jarDirs Community String array Directories containing JDBC drivers and Java-based migrations.
locations Community String array Locations to scan recursively for migrations.
repeatableSqlMigrationPrefix Community String The file name prefix for repeatable migrations.
sqlMigrationPrefix Community String The file name prefix for versioned migrations.
sqlMigrationSeparator Community String The file name separator for migrations.
sqlMigrationSuffixes Community String array The file name suffixes for migrations.
migrationResolvers Community String array Custom migration resolvers for resolving migrations to apply.
skipDefaultResolvers Community Boolean Skip built-in migration resolvers.
undoSqlMigrationPrefix Teams String The file name prefix for undo migrations.
validateMigrationNaming Community Boolean Error on migration files whose names do not match the naming conventions.

Migration reading settings

Setting Tier Type Description
detectEncoding Community Boolean Whether Flyway should attempt to auto-detect the file encoding of each migration.
encoding Community String The encoding of migration scripts.
placeholderPrefix Community String The prefix of every placeholder.
placeholderReplacement Community Boolean Whether placeholders should be replaced.
placeholderSeparator Community String The separator of default placeholders.
placeholderSuffix Community String The suffix of every placeholder.
scriptPlaceholderPrefix Community String The prefix of every script migration placeholder.
scriptPlaceholderSuffix Community String The suffix of every script migration placeholder.

Migration execution settings

Setting Tier Type Description
batch Community Boolean Whether to batch SQL statements when executing them.
callbacks Community String array Callbacks to use to hook into the Flyway lifecycle.
cherryPick Teams String array A list of migrations that Flyway should consider when migrating.
createSchemas Community Boolean Create the configured schemas if they do not exist.
dryRunOutput Teams String File path to output a dry run script to.
errorOverrides Teams String array Rules for the built-in error handler.
executeInTransaction Community Boolean Whether to execute scripts within a transaction.
group Community Boolean Whether to group all pending migrations together in the same transaction when applying them.
installedBy Community String The username that will be recorded in the schema history table as having applied a migration.
lockRetryCount Community Integer Number of times to try and take a lock at 1s intervals when migrating.
mixed Community Boolean Allow mixing transactional and non-transactional statements within the same migration.
outOfOrder Community Boolean Allow migrations to be run out of order.
outputQueryResults Community Boolean Output a table with the results of queries when executing migrations.
skipDefaultCallbacks Community Boolean Skip built-in callbacks.
skipExecutingMigrations Community Boolean Skip migration execution.
stream Community Boolean Stream migrations when executing them.
target Community String The target version up to which to consider migrations.
validateOnMigrate Community Boolean Run validate command when running migrate command.

Flyway schema history settings

Setting Tier Type Description
defaultSchema Community String The schema in which to create Flyway's schema history table.
table Community String The name of Flyway's schema history table.
tablespace Community String The tablespace in which to create Flyway's schema history table.

Schema model settings

Setting Tier Type Description
schemaModelLocation Community* String The location of the schema model folder.
schemaModelSchemas Community* String array schemas that should be supported by the schema model folder.

Authentication settings

Setting Tier Type Description
email Community String Email to be used in conjunction with a personal access token.
token Community String Personal access token used for licensing Flyway.

Flyway Pipelines integration settings

Setting Tier Type Description
checkDriftOnMigrate Community Boolean Enables automatic drift checks on migrate.
pipelineId Community String An id for identifying your pipeline.
publishResult Community Boolean Whether to publish the result of your Flyway run to Flyway Pipelines.

Baseline settings

Setting Tier Type Description
baselineDescription Community String The Description to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline.
baselineOnMigrate Community Boolean Run baseline command when running migrate command.
baselineVersion Community String The version to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline.

Clean settings

Setting Tier Type Description
cleanDisabled Community Boolean Whether to disable clean.

Validation settings

Setting Tier Type Description
ignoreMigrationPatterns Community String array Ignore migrations during validate and repair according to a given list of patterns.

General namespaces

Namespace Description
placeholders Placeholders to replace in migrations.

Database-specific namespaces

Namespace Description
clickhouse Settings specific to Clickhouse.
db2z Settings specific to DB2 zOS.
oracle Settings specific to Oracle.
postgresql Settings specific to PostgreSQL.
sqlserver Settings specific to SQL Server.

Command-specific namespaces

Namespace Tier Description
add Community Settings specific to the add command.
check Teams/Enterprise Settings specific to the check command.
deploy Community Settings specific to the deploy command.
diff Teams Settings specific to the diff command.
diffText Teams Settings specific to the diffText command.
generate Enterprise Settings specific to the generate command.
init Community Settings specific to the init command.
model Teams Settings specific to the model command.
prepare Enterprise Settings specific to the prepare command.
snapshot Enterprise Settings specific to the snapshot command.

Secrets management namespaces

Usage of per-environment resolvers is preferred.

Namespace Description
dapr Settings specific to Dapr.
gcsm Settings specific to Google Cloud Secret Manager.
vault Settings specific to Vault.

Deprecated settings

Setting Tier Type Description
licenseKey Teams String Your Flyway license key.

* There is no license restriction on this setting strictly speaking, but it is used to configure functionality which is only available at Teams and above.

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