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    This occurs when SQL Server is waiting for asynchronous I/O operations to finish. It’s normal for a thread to enter a wait state as soon



    This occurs when SQL Server is waiting for I/O operations to finish that don’t read table or index rows from disk. It’s normal for a thre


  3. Using SmartAssembly with an ASP.NET website

    pre-compiled code for the website: aspnet_compiler -v "/" -d -p "c:\mywebsite" "c:\mynewwebsite" Open the dependent DLLs (not App_Web_xxx


  4. Test-DlmDatabaseConnection

    ---------- $connection = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "prod01\sql2014" -Database "Production" -Username "AutomationUser" -Pa



    , or disk subsystem performance issues. If it exists in combination with at least one of the following waits, your servers could be experi


  6. "Too many open files"

    the /etc/sysctl.conf file and add the line fs.inotify.max_user_instances=512 You can then run sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf to load the


  7. Clone modifications

    (as of version 2.6.1). SQL Clone templates contain a collection of T-SQL scripts that will be run on a clone, in sequence, just after it


  8. Choosing application types and settings

    settings, as well as performance counters and profiling modes. Some settings are common to all application types (Profiling mode, file I/


  9. Use-DlmDatabaseRelease

    " -Password "P@ssw0rd" $package = "C:\Work\packages\MyDatabase.1.0.0.nupkg" $update = New-DlmDatabaseRelease -Source $package -Target $sta


  10. Step 1. Define metric

    metrics that may affect or be affected by this metric. references to useful TechNet articles or similar sites Enter the T-SQL query used


  11. Using comparison options with SQL Change Automation PowerShell module for SQL Source Control Projects

    . The option must be preceded by a minus sign. $staging = New-DatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "staging01\sql2012" -Database "Staging" -


  12. List of alerts

    a specified value for longer than a specified time Default settings: Raised as Medium when the transaction delay is more than 10000 ms fo


  13. Command line examples

    as the program to run from the Scheduled Task wizard, browse to it. The example uses MS-DOS batch scripting, a basic scripting language s


  14. Restoring the master database

    : SQLBackupC.exe -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" -I Instance2 If you are using SQL Server auth


  15. List of alerts

    10000 ms for longer than 120 seconds. Type: Continuous Automatically updated from Active to Ended when the condition that caused the aler


  16. Example configuration using virtualization software

    on Chrome. Data Repository configuration The Data Repository is an MS SQL Server database that stores the data collected by the Base Moni


  17. Choosing application types and settings

    settings, as well as performance counters and profiling modes. Some settings are common to all application types (Profiling mode, file I/


  18. Command line examples

    as the program to run from the Scheduled Task wizard, browse to it. The example uses MS-DOS batch scripting, a basic scripting language s


  19. The Data Masker Row-Internal Rule and JSON Data

    ", "Panda_E" ] }]} '); The content of the table could be viewed with a statement like: select idcol, dataVal, JSON_QUERY(jsoncol) as j fro


  20. Choosing application types and settings

    settings, as well as performance counters and profiling modes. Some settings are common to all application types (Profiling mode, file I/


  21. SmartAssembly 5.0 release notes

    Better handling of renaming assemblies that are merged Fixed bugs in pruning related p/Invoke calls Major bugs in highest obfuscation lev



    This occurs when SQL Server is waiting for I/O operations to finish that don’t read table or index rows from disk. It’s normal for a thre



    This occurs when SQL Server is waiting for asynchronous I/O operations to finish. It’s normal for a thread to enter a wait state as soon


  24. Profiling an XBAP

    unmanaged memory allocations if your application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged


  25. SmartAssembly 5.0 release notes

    Better handling of renaming assemblies that are merged Fixed bugs in pruning related p/Invoke calls Major bugs in highest obfuscation lev


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