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  1. List of alerts

    from Active to Ended when data can be collected from the database again. Possible causes: The most likely cause is a problem with the cus


  2. Compression levels

    on a 8.5 GB DVD-R dual layer disc. Smaller files can also be transferred more quickly over the network, which is particularly useful, for


  3. Scheduling restores - select the destination database

    the REPLACE option in a T-SQL RESTORE statement. Refer to your SQL Server documentation for more details. Creating a new database Enter a


  4. Permissions

    >' If this is successful and the SQL Backup Agent service has read (R), write (W), and execute (E) permissions, the query will return: <SQ


  5. Restoring backups - destination database

    WITH REPLACE in a T-SQL RESTORE statement. Refer to your SQL Server documentation


  6. SQL Backup errors 500 - 5292

    ..sqbutility 999, 'RWE', '\\testserver\backuplocation' If the SQL Backup Agent service has read (R), write (W), and execute (E) permission


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