Search for " ٴ̾߱ ӿĶ̽ ٴ̾߱ȯ Ȳī Ķ ̽ ϴ¹ ϴ°ּ ٴ̾߱ ٴ̾߱ȯ" returned 264 results.

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  1. Working with config files

    with &&. For example: accurev add -c -d ($Files) && accurev keep -m && accurev promote -k Save your changes as a new XML file in the defa


  2. Scripting SQL Backup Pro

    > Specifies the SQL Server user name to use to log in if you are using SQL Server authentication. -P -P <SQL_Server_password> Specifies th


  3. Restoring the master database

    -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" -I Instance2 If you are using SQL Server authentication, use


  4. Update-ClassificationInLiveDatabase

    -------------------------- Update-ClassificationInLiveDatabase -instanceName "sqlserver\sql2016" -databaseName "WideWorldImporters" -user


  5. Command line syntax

    /password:P@ssw0rd /password:<password> Alias: /p The password for connecting to the server. You must also provide a username. If you don


  6. Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema

    \sql2014" -Database "Test" -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema -Source $scriptsFolder -Target $test Thi


  7. Test-DlmDatabaseConnection

    ---------- $connection = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "prod01\sql2014" -Database "Production" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ss


  8. SmartAssembly 5.0 release notes

    Better handling of renaming assemblies that are merged Fixed bugs in pruning related p/Invoke calls Major bugs in highest obfuscation lev


  9. Command line switches

    , and crossschemapermissions) Value Option scriptheader h forcecolumnorder f forwardslash s defineoff d blanklineson b excludetargetschema


  10. Setting up database connections

    " -Password "P@ssw0rd" By assigning the output of New-DlmDatabaseConnection to a variable, you can reuse this as the input for another cmd


  11. Setting up the documentation

    (from 01 to 12), and K presents time zone information. When you have edited the settings as required, click save-project-icon.png Save Pr


  12. Using comparison options with SQL Change Automation PowerShell module for SQL Source Control Projects

    . The option must be preceded by a minus sign. $staging = New-DatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "staging01\sql2012" -Database "Staging" -


  13. Backup Application Database

    -forwarding command again. Taking a backup To create a backup run the following command: pg_dump -a -U postgres -p 5432 -h localhost confi


  14. Example of azure-pipelines.yml

    "Installing SmartAssembly from $msiPath into $saInstallLocation" $p = Start-Process -FilePath msiexec -Args "/qn /i `"$msiPath`" INSTALLD


  15. SQL Prompt 5.1 release notes

    for Format SQL in SQL Server Management Studio (Ctrl+K Ctrl+Y is the primary shortcut) Fixes A number of bugs have been fixed, including:


  16. Example of azure-pipelines.yml

    "Installing SmartAssembly from $msiPath into $saInstallLocation" $p = Start-Process -FilePath msiexec -Args "/qn /i `"$msiPath`" INSTALLD


  17. Setting up the documentation

    (from 01 to 12), and K presents time zone information. When you have edited the settings as required, click save-project-icon.png Save Pr


  18. "Too many open files"

    the /etc/sysctl.conf file and add the line fs.inotify.max_user_instances=512 You can then run sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf to load the


  19. Save-InstantCloneSnapshot

    , and mulitple backup files as an array of strings: @("c:\backup\file1.bak", "c:\backup\file2.bak") Aliases None Required? true Position?


  20. Setting up the documentation

    possible format strings that you can use with SQL Doc. For example, hh presents the hour using the twelve-hour clock format (from 01 to 1


  21. Restoring the master database

    : SQLBackupC.exe -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" -I Instance2 If you are using SQL Server auth


  22. Using SmartAssembly with Azure Pipelines

    SmartAssembly from $msiPath into $saInstallLocation" $p = Start-Process -FilePath msiexec -Args "/qn /i `"$msiPath`" INSTALLDIR=`"$saInst


  23. Using SmartAssembly with Azure Pipelines

    *_x64.msi").FullName "Installing SmartAssembly from $msiPath into $saInstallLocation" $p = Start-Process -FilePath msiexec -Args "/qn /i `


  24. Formatting your code

    To format your SQL code, in a query window do one of the following: on the SQL Prompt menu, click Format SQL right-click in your query wi


  25. Restoring the master database

    : SQLBackupC.exe -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" -I Instance2 If you are using SQL Server auth


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