Code of Conduct

Redgate’s events seek to create a safe, respectful, friendly, patient, considerate, and inclusive event experience, and an environment where all participants feel welcome. We expect all participants to honor this Code of Conduct, which covers events and all related activities.

Any kind of disruptive, intolerant or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated, and we reserve the right to take any action that we deem appropriate, including removing any participants who violate our Code of Conduct from the event and prohibiting attendance at future events.

We do not tolerate any harassment or discrimination. Although this list cannot be exhaustive, we explicitly honor diversity in age, gender, gender identity and expression, culture, ethnicity, language, national origin, profession, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, physical and psychological ability, and technical ability.

All communication at the event should be appropriate for a professional audience, including people of many different backgrounds and experiences.

We expect all speaker materials to honor this Code of Conduct and reserve the right to request amends prior to presentation.

Please report any concerns, harassment or discriminatory behavior, or suspicious or disruptive activity (whether directed towards you or another participant) to a member of the organising team

Thank you for helping to ensure this event is a welcoming, friendly place for all to share, learn, and connect.