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The Alerts endpoints allow you to retrieve alert types and alerts for a certain date range. Additional documentation for this endpoint can be found by navigating to http://your-web-server:port/api-docs.

Alert Types


The alert types endpoint provides a list of alert types in Redgate monitor that are required to query alerts using the alerts endpoint.


idThe unique identifier for the alert type
nameName of the alert type
descriptionDescription of the alert type
shortNameAlternate name of alert type


Rate limitDefaults to 100 API requests per minute, you can refer rate limiting to change these default values.



The alerts endpoint provides a list of alerts for a given alert type

This endpoint consists of a large amount of Data, It is recommended that you use the query parameters where possible to limit the amount of data returned by the endpoints.


AlertTypeIdMandatoryStringNoneAlert type ID which can be retrieved from the alert types endpoint
MonitoredEntityIdOptionalStringNoneMonitored entity ID which can be retrieved from the monitored entities endpoint, can be used to restrict the result to a single monitored entity
StartOptionalDateTimecurrent DateTime - 1hourThe date and time used to filter the alerts on the time the alert was raised, can be used to retrieve alerts raised after the specified date and time.
EndOptionalDateTimecurrent DateTimeThe date and time used to filter the alerts on the time the alert was raised, can be used to retrieve alerts raised before the specified date and time.
LimitOptionalNumber1000The number of records fetched from a single api request.


idThe unique identifier of an alert
monitoredEntityid and name of the monitored entity the alert was raised on.
sourceNameName of the source at which the alert is triggered
statusStatus of the alert, possible values are (Event, Active, Ended, Cleared)
severityThe severity of the alert, possible values (High, Medium, Low)
raisedAtDateTime at which the alert was raised
endedAtThe time at which the alert was ended, this field will contain a value only when the alert status in Ended
alertTypeThe ID and name of the alert type


Date RangeMaximum range of 7 Days
Rate limitDefaults to 100 API requests per minute, you can refer rate limiting to change these default values.

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