Redgate Monitor 14

Monitored Entites

The Monitored entities endpoints allow you to retrieve monitored entity types and monitored entities. Additional documentation for this endpoint can be found by navigating to http://your-web-server:port/api-docs.

Monitored entity types


The monitored entity types endpoint provides a list of entity types in Redgate monitor that can be used in retrieving data from the monitored entities endpoint.


entityTypeThe specific unique entity type
descriptionDetailed information about the specific monitored entity type


Rate limitDefaults to 100 API requests per minute, you can refer rate limiting to change these default values.

Monitored entities


The monitored entities endpoint provides a list of monitored entities on Redgate Monitor


entityTypeOptionalStringNoneEntity type which can be retrieved from the monitored entities types endpoint


idThe unique identifier of a monitored entity
nameName of the monitored entity
typeThe monitored entity type
fullyQualifiedNameThe full name of the entity including it parent or Alias of the monitored entity if it has been set in Redgate Monitor
groupThe group the monitored entity belongs to.
monitoringStatusThe state in which the monitored entity is in, possible values are Monitoring, Not Monitoring and Suspended
parentIdThe parent entity id of the monitored entity, the value is null if the specific entity is the highest level.


Rate limitDefaults to 100 API requests per minute, you can refer rate limiting to change these default values.

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