Redgate Monitor 14

Moving the web server to a different machine

A Base Monitor stores a thumbprint for the web server it is connected to, and it rejects connections from all other Redgate Monitor web servers. This means that moving the web server to new infrastructure requires some additional manual steps to allow the new web server to connect to the Base Monitor.

Once you pair the Base Monitor to a new web server, you won't be able to connect using the old web server.

The steps are as follows:

  • Install the web server on the new machine.
  • Unassign any licenses assigned to the old web server. These will need to be assigned to the new web server. See Licensing for details.
  • Shut down the old web server.
  • On the machine running the Base Monitor, delete RedGate.SqlMonitor.AuthorizedClients.config in the Redgate Monitor ProgramData folder (By default, this is %ProgramData%\Red Gate\Redgate Monitor).
    • If you have multiple Base Monitors, you will need to do this for each Base Monitor you want to connect to the new web server.
  • Open the new web server's website in a browser and perform the first-time setup to connect it to the Base Monitor.
    • If you have multiple Base Monitors, you will need to add the other Base Monitors under Configuration > Base Monitors.
    • Alternatively, you can copy the BaseLocation.config file from the ProgramData folder on the old web server into the new one, which will copy across the list of Base Monitors directly.
  • Assign your licenses to the new web server.

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