Redgate Monitor 14

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Redgate Monitor 9.2 Release Notes

When should I upgrade?

  • We aim to release a build every two weeks that includes the latest incremental features and bug fixes. These builds are identified by a three-part version number, such as v9.2.2. So if you’ve identified a particular feature from the release notes that you need, you can download the relevant build.
  • If you want to wait until all aspects of a feature have been fully completed, it’s best to use a quarterly minor version release, identified by a two-part version number such as v9.2.
  • Annual major releases (such as v9) combine multiple feature releases and undergo additional QA
SQL Monitor version 9.2.0 and above requires .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later.

Version 9.2.15 -February 19, 2020


  • SRP-12621 Machines without SQL Servers that are not being monitored correctly will be indicated by a banner on the global overview if Force errored instances is enabled.


  • SRP-12250 Azure custom metrics now respect the include database field
  • SRP-12733 Redgate annotations no longer display text twice
  • SRP-12753 Disallow empty or whitespace names in Alert Suppression Window names.
  • Addressed a threading issue that had the potential to cause thread deadlocks when reporting telemetry
  • SRP-12752 Alert Suppression Windows honour permissions with regards to displaying Monitored Entities.
  • SRP-12748 Alert inbox filters should now work with case sensitive instances
  • SRP-12773 Fixed SQL Injection vulnerability (CVSS 6.8) in the alert notification settings page that could be exploited by users with Administrative privileges

Version 9.2.14 -February 12, 2020


  • SRP-12257 New help menu on page header
  • SRP-12481 Powershell API for annotating the top graph for SQL Server instances


  • SRP-12691 Fixes the issue of displaying empty content under the New Features section
  • SRP-12250 Enables custom metrics in the Analysis and Reports sections to be displayed from multiple base monitors

Version 9.2.13 -February 5, 2020


  • SRP-12613 Maintenence windows have been improved and are now more flexible. They've also been renamed to alert suppression windows.
  • SRP-12494 The waits graph in Server Overview page has toggleable legends.


  • SRP-12580 A new alert for SSRS 2017+ status has been added. The existing alert is now only for SSRS 2016 and earlier.
  • SRP-12692 Fixes issue with the global dashboard failing to render correctly in some situations.

Version 9.2.12 - January 29, 2020


  • SRP-12591 The graph on the estate disk usage page now takes into account cluster shared volumes
  • SRP-12639 Introduces a new alert for disk write time
  • SRP-12552 The alert report tile can now use the report time range or the alert filter time range
  • SRP-12269 Option to ignore SSL certificate errors when sending emails


  • SRP-12659 Fixed an issue where repeated entries in elastic pool resource DMVs caused gaps in data
  • SRP-12666 Reclassify Internal SQL Monitor Error in some situations when sampling processor data
  • SRP-12669 Allowed instances with Internal SQL Monitor Error on the machine to show as red on the dashboard

Version 9.2.11 - January 22, 2020


  • SRP-12616 Introduces a new alert for disk read time


  • SRP-12403 Improved handling of FCI alias and fastest filling disks report uses machine name where possible
  • SRP-12426 Fix database name truncation causing an issue with managed instance waits and queries sampling
  • SRP-12469 An issue that could lead to active job failing alert groups showing as ended in the alert inbox has been fixed
  • SRP-12635 A monitored entity with "Monitoring error" status on the global dashboard now links to the server configuration page

Version 9.2.10 - January 8, 2020


  • The Top Waits graph displays the data for selected metric in the Top Waits table.


  • SRP-12588 Fixed fragmented index alert display issues.
  • SRP-12500 Some minor formatting issues affecting alert report tiles in PDF form have been fixed.
  • SRP-12581 Fixed a issue with powershell API function Add-MonitoredEntity and default sql server connection properties.
  • SRP-12541 Allows users from trusted active directory domains to be added to SQL Monitor.
  • SRP-12598 Fix legacy api authentication used by other Redgate products

Version 9.2.9 - December 18, 2019


  • SRP-12495 Optionally highlight servers encountering an error on global dashboard.
  • SRP-12517 Installer supports using GMSA as base monitor service account.


  • SRP-12504 Upgrading a website on a multi-base monitor setup remembers the base monitor connection information.
  • SRP-12557 Fixed creation of monthly maintenance window with default day of week (Monday) being persisted without a day of week being set.
  • SRP-12490 Fixed vmware memory latency scaling issue.
  • SRP-12559 The server downtime report now uses the local time zone.

Version 9.2.8 - December 9, 2019


  • Fixed an issue with the top waits graph not loading for Azure SQL Databases
  • An issue that caused top queries not to display for Azure SQL Servers has been fixed

Version 9.2.7 - December 5, 2019


  • SRP-12542 Internal SQL Monitor error alerts are disabled by default
  • An issue that could cause duplicate performance counters to raise an internal SQL monitor error has been fixed

Version 9.2.6 - December 4, 2019


  • SRP-12521 The powershell API function Get-MonitoredObjectStatus provides status information on a specified monitored entity
  • SRP-12521 The powershell API function Update-MonitoredObjectSuspendedStatus allows a specified monitored entity to be suspended or unsuspended
  • SRP-12482 Preview release of webhooks for alerts
  • SRP-12462 Displaying stored procedure, function or trigger name in top queries


  • SRP-12492 Fixed PowerShell API support for the LowCvsSpace, SqlServerInternalSqlMonitorError and MachineInternalSqlMonitorError alert types.
  • SRP-12534 Fix blank alert sidebar on global dashboard when multiple custom metric alerts present
  • SRP-12485 Using Groups in the API exposes internal data storage. API method Add-MonitoredEntity now supports -Group as a Group object. -Group as a string is to be deprecated by Version 10.0.0.
  • SRP-12516 Fixed issue where newly added clusters could fail to correctly store specified WMI connection method.

Version 9.2.5 - November 28, 2019


  • SRP-12461 Displaying operating system last booted time in machine unreachable alert
  • SRP-12457 Waits graph tooltip enhanced to show all close points for overlapping lines
  • SRP-12455 Internal SQL Monitor errors now raise an alert
  • SRP-12437 Accept CSV files for server import


  • SRP-12493 Resolved low severity (CVSS 3.4) security issue where users with Administrative privileges could retrieve configured SMTP server password for email notifications
  • SRP-12487 Fixed non-application of select all/none buttons in alert type filter
  • SRP-12476 Fixed intermittent empty dashboard when Active Directory authentication is enabled
  • SRP-12510 Fixed set maintenance window and edit maintenance window options in the monitored servers page

Version 9.2.4 - November 20, 2019


  • SRP-12403 Server aliases are displayed in reports
  • SRP-12429 Servers with monitoring errors now show on global overview as critical regardless of alert state
  • SRP-12460 Added feedback link on maintenance window
  • SRP-12445 Added support for non-recurring maintenance windows


  • SRP-12463 Redirects to global dashboard if returnUrl is an external domain when user already logged in
  • SRP-12466 Emailed reports show no data to display when Active Directory authentication enabled

Version 9.2.3 - November 13, 2019


  • SRP-12436 New tile type for reports showing alert inbox filters
  • SRP-12408 Added graph for top waits in server overview page
  • SRP-12357 Introduces a new alert for cluster shared volumes space
  • SRP-12439 Added monthly scheduling support for maintenance windows


  • SRP-12432 Prevent SQL Server instance unreachable alerts for unlicensed servers
  • SRP-12424 The hostname field (field 10) is now filled in for standalone machines on SNMP notifications
  • SRP-12447 Allow the API to specify SQL Server port when adding servers
  • SRP-12318 Monitor will no longer show query plans for queries run on a different database from that reported
  • SRP-12427 Unreachable and unauthorized status classification when WinRM is used (beta)

Version 9.2.2 - November 6, 2019


  • SRP-12393 Cluster shared volumes are now available in the analysis graphs.

  • SRP-12418 All alerts can now be suppressed during a maintenance window, rather than just performance-related alerts.


  • SRP-12400 Apply blocking process regular expression exclusion to last executing SQL fragment for sleeping sessions.

Version 9.2.1 - October 31, 2019


  • SRP-12416 Added display option to allow suspended instances to either be on the global dashboard permanently or removed immediately on suspension

  • SRP-12292 Global dashboard now has a base monitor filter


  • SRP-12361 Fixed intermittent log-out issue

  • SRP-12430 Fixed WMI issue with cluster shared volume sampling on Windows 2008R2 clusters

  • SRP-12405 Server overview alerts feed no longer fails on large request urls

Version 9.2.0 - October 23, 2019


  • SRP-12356 Cluster shared volumes display on server overview.


  • SRP-12404 The elastic pools page now displays correctly.
  • SRP-12376 In the alert inbox, total blocking time for all descendants on the blocking process alert now takes into account blocking time after the alert was raised.
  • SRP-12414 Fix script error problem on Add-MonitoredEntity Powershell API Cmdlet.

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