Summary of firewall requirements

The Redgate Monitor Base Monitor needs to be able to connect to the following TCP ports on each machine you want to monitor:

On Windows, using WMI Over DCOM

135Remote Procedure Call (RPC).

The TCP port for each SQL Server instance on the machine. (1433 is the default).

xxxxThe port(s) you have configured for WMI over DCOM.

On Windows, using WMI over WinRM

Either port 5985 (HTTP) or port 5986 (HTTPS)The WinRM Listener.

The TCP port for each SQL Server instance on the machine. (1433 is the default).

On Linux

22The SSH endpoint.
Either 1433, 5432, or custom

The TCP port for each database instance on the machine. (1433 is the default for SQL Server, 5432 is the default for PostgreSQL).

Named SQL Server instances use dynamic ports by default, so you need to configure a specific TCP port for each named instance.

We additionally recommend enabling SQL Server Browser and allowing access to port 1434. Otherwise, you must configure Redgate Monitor for each named instance with the correct port. See Configure a Server to Listen on a Specific TCP Port.

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