Redgate Clone

Seeing your data containers

View all your data containers using the following command:

rgclone get data-containers

ID                  Name                 Revision            Status              Engine              CreatedAt
00001               dev-cxmwgjeo         rev.0               Completed           PostgreSQL          15 minutes ago
00002               dev-eukjbnkm         rev.0               Completed           PostgreSQL          10 minutes ago
00003               dev-uchdwpkp         rev.0               Completed           PostgreSQL          7 minutes ago

If you need the connection string again for a data container, add -o wide:

rgclone get data-containers -o wide

To return your data containers, including connection details in a format more suitable for parsing programmatically, add -o json:

rgclone get data-containers -o json

To find the pod associated to a data-container, you must have access to the kuberetes kubectl cli.  After you've found the id of the container use it in the command below in the parentheses.

kubectl n redgate-clone-data get pods -l 'id in (data-container-id)'

For example, to determine the pod of data container 57009, kubectl n redgate-clone-data get pods -l 'id in (57009)'

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