Redgate Clone

CLI Troubleshooting

This page offers several known issues and existing workarounds.


"WARNING: Failed to rotate when attempting to purge older log files" when running rgclone

It's likely that you will get an error (sent to stderr) similar to the one below when running rgclone under heavy concurrency in the same machine (i.e. when you have multiple rgclone processes being executed at once):

WARNING: Failed to rotate when attempting to purge older log files (non-critical error, old log files will remain until next attempt): open /home/ubuntu/.rgclone/logs/usagedata/rgclone.202202070000.log_lock: file exists

This can be safely ignored as it just means that the tool was not able to delete old log files (i.e. older than 30 days) as part of its log file rotation checks when first writing to log (it only happens once per process), most likely because another running instance of the CLI already holds a lock on the file for this exact purpose.

It has no impact on the outcome or the performance of the rgclone operation being done nor in the logging itself.

The purge will be automatically retried in the background as soon as you launch another rgclone command if by any chance this hasn't been done by the other rgclone running process.

"ERROR: <...>: tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"

Please refer to "Failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" when using the CLI.

"The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception"

Ensure that the RGCLONE_API_ENDPOINT environment variable includes the instance DNS address. Using the IP address of the server will not work.

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