.NET Reflector 11

.NET Reflector 10.2 release notes

10.2.6 - September 16th, 2020


  • RP-4300: .NET Reflector will no longer throw an exception when executing "Browse with .NET Reflector" context-menu option while another instance is already opened.

10.2.5 - September 3rd, 2020


  • RP-4286: C# 8.0 introduced support for static local functions. .NET Reflector will now mark local functions as static whenever applicable.

    public void TestMethod()
        static void LocalFunction() { /* ... */ }


  • RP-4284: Memory consumption and stability of the .NET Reflector Visual Studio Extension was improved.

10.2.4 - July 29th, 2020


  • RP-4238: Attributes on generic parameters will now be shown.

10.2.3 - June 17th, 2020


  • RP-4250: Subscribing and unsubscribing to events and delegates are now correctly decompiled.

10.2.2 - May 5th, 2020


  • RP-4201: Exporting source code no longer causes PathTooLongException.
  • RP-4247: Static auto-properties will now hide getter/setter compiler-generated method body.
  • RP-4248: Names of type references that use reserved keywords will not be escaped with @ sign.
  • RP-4251: "// Fields" section will no longer be visible if all fields were hidden.
  • RP-4254: Modifier extern will now be shown for interface methods using DllImport.

10.2.1 - April 16th, 2020


  • Partial C# 8.0 support was added
    • RP-4240: Support for readonly struct was added:

      readonly struct TestStruct
          public readonly int X;
          public readonly int Y;
          public readonly int Z;

    • RP-4242: Methods modifiers: static, sealed and virtual will now be shown for interfaces:

      interface TestInterface
          static void Method1() { /* ... */ }
          sealed void Method2() { /* ... */ }
          virtual void Method3() { /* ... */ }


  • RP-4237: Properties with ref readonly return will no longer contain compiler-generated [IsReadOnly] attribute.
  • RP-4239: Compiler generated code of events will no loger be shown.
  • RP-4253: Modifiers sealed, virtual, override will now be shown for events:

    abstract class TestClass1
        public abstract event EventHandler Event1;
        public virtual event EventHandler Event2;
        public virtual event EventHandler Event3;
        public static event EventHandler Event4;
    class TestClass2 : TestClass1
        public override event EventHandler Event1;
        public override event EventHandler Event2;
        public sealed override event EventHandler Event3;

10.2.0 - March 4th, 2020


  • Partial C# 8.0 support was added
    • RP-4228: Option Expand Methods will now be shown for interfaces with non-abstract members:

      interface TestInterface : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable
          int Value => 17;
          sealed void Dispose() { DisposeImplementation().AsTask().Wait(); }
          sealed async ValueTask DisposeAsync() { await DisposeImplementation(); }
          protected ValueTask DisposeImplementation();
    • RP-4229: Access modifiers will now be shown for non-public interface members:

      interface TestInterface3
          public void Public();
          internal void Internal();
          protected void Protected();
          private protected void PrivateProtected();
          protected internal void ProtectedInternal();
    • RP-4230: Support for readonly struct members was added:

      struct TestStruct
          public readonly int Property => 123;
          public int Property_ReadonlyGet { readonly get; set; }
          public readonly int Method() => 123;
          public readonly int this[int indexerKey] => 123;


  • RP-4204: C# 7.3's unmanaged constraint is no longer shown as struct.


  • RP-4232: Language optimization selector was improved. Versions were separated for each language and Latest option was added.

Other changes

  • RP-4208: .NET Reflector now requires .NET Framework 4.7.2 to run.

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