.NET Reflector 6

Running .NET Reflector

You can use .NET Reflector to open an assembly by doing one of the following:

  • Open .NET Reflector, and then drag the assembly from Windows Explorer onto .NET Reflector. You can also open .NET Reflector directly from Windows Explorer.
    See Setting Integration Options for details.
  • Open .NET Reflector, and on the File menu, click Open; or on the toolbar, click
  • Invoke .NET Reflector from the command line:
    Reflector.exe [options] [assemblies]
    You can use the following options:

    /registerRegister Visual Studio and Windows Explorer integration
    /unregisterUnregister Visual Studio and Windows Explorer integration
    /select:<identifier>Select item in browser
    /fontname:<name>Use specified font name
    /fontsize:<size>Use specified font size
    /configuration:<file>Use configuration file name
    /helpShow this help message

    For example: C:\>Reflector.exe /select:"System.Uri" System.dll

  • Right-click on the assembly in Visual Studio and select Open in .NET Reflector.

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