ReadyRoll 1

Create VSTS/TFS release

If you haven't already, follow the instructions in Create VSTS/TFS build.


This page walks you through the process of creating a release on VSTS/TFS.

Start with the empty release definition template

  1. In VSTS/TFS, create a new release definition
  2. Click Empty process

Add the build artifact

  1. Click Add artifact
  2. Select the build definition you created earlier
  3. Click Add

Add a PowerShell task

  1. Click the Tasks tab
  2. Next to Agent phase, click the plus symbol
  3. Select the PowerShell task (can be found under the Utility tab)
  4. Click Add
  5. Set the Name field, e.g. "Set the SqlCmd location in the Path"
  6. In the Type field, select Inline
  7. In the Script field, enter:
    $sqlCmdPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn";
    Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PATH;]${env:PATH};${sqlCmdPath}";

Add a ReadyRoll Deploy Database Package task

  1. Click the Tasks tab
  2. Next to Agent phase, click the plus symbol
  3. Select the ReadyRoll Deploy Database Package task
  4. Click Add
  5. In the left pane, click ReadyRoll Deploy Database
  6. In the Package to deploy field, select the PowerShell script created by the build, for example, <project_name>_DeployPackage.ps1
  7. Fill in the fields for the database you want to deploy to


  1. Click the Pipeline tab
  2. Finish configuring the release definition, for example, by changing the environment name, cloning the environment, etc.


  1. Click Save
  2. In the dialog, click OK


If you want to run tSQLt tests as part of your VSTS/TFS release, see Tutorial: Integrating tSQLt tests with Visual Studio Team Services.

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