SmartAssembly 8

SmartAssembly 7.5 release notes

7.5.2 - November 16th, 2020


  • SA-2407: SmartAssembly console output is now reported in real-time, instead of at the end of the build, when using SmartAssembly MSBuild Tasks.


  • SA-2360: Fixed an issue where the 4th part of Windows version was reported as "0" for applications targeting .NET Core, when Automated Error Reporting or Feature Usage Reporting was used.
  • SA-2390: Fixed an issue where using method returning value type by reference (e.g. ref int) would cause AccessViolationException in method executing it.
  • SA-2408: SmartAssembly command line no longer throws an exception when building a .saproj project with non-existing main assembly path set, when a correct path is passed using the /input parameter.

7.5.1 - October 13th, 2020



  • SA-1867:  Enums will be automatically excluded from obfuscation when used by  Enum.TryParse  method. Previously, Enums were only excluded when  Format,  GetName,  GetNames,  Parse, or  ToString  was called.
  • SA-2373:  Nested enums automatically excluded from obfuscation will no longer exclude their parent types from obfuscation.
  • SA-2387:  Error message shown during the processing of multi-module assemblies was improved.

7.5.0 - September 10th, 2020


  • SA-2348:  Building .NET Standard and .NET Core libraries without a  .deps.json  file is now possible.
  • SA-2358:  SmartAssembly no longer adds unnecessary references to processed .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core 2.0-2.2 assemblies.
  • SA-2369:  SmartAssembly SDK no longer throws an exception when calling  Database.ExecuteReader()  after  Helpers.DecodeStackTrace()  has been called.
  • SA-2372:  Dependency search order for .NET Framework was changed. See  How SmartAssembly searches for dependencies  for details.

Other changes

  • SA-2340:  SmartAssembly.SDK assembly and SmartAssembly.Database sample project now target .NET Framework 4.0.


Breaking changes

In this release of SmartAssembly we renamed the following options to avoid using discriminatory language and better describe their usage:

  • Command-line argument  /dbMasterConn  was renamed to  /dbCreatorConn. If you rely on this command-line argument when executing SmartAssembly, you will need to adjust places where it's used to reflect those changes.
  • SmartAssembly.settings  property  MasterConnectionString  was renamed to  DbCreatorConnectionString. If your settings file contains this property, SmartAssembly will attempt to update the configuration file automatically upon startup.

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