SQL Backup 6

The RESTORE command

Use the RESTORE command with the SQL Backup -SQL parameter to restore a SQL Backup backup using the command line or extended stored procedure.

  • Syntax provides the grammar for the RESTORE command.
  • Arguments describes the arguments for the RESTORE command.
  • WITH options describes the options that can be used in the RESTORE command.
  • Examples provides examples of using the command line and extended stored procedure to restore with a range of options.
When using the extended stored procedure the parameter or set of parameters (such as -SQL) must be delimited by single quotes. Therefore, wherever a single quote is used for the arguments below, for the extended stored procedure you must use two single quotes so that SQL Server does not interpret it as a string delimiter. See Using the extended stored procedure for more information.


The following arguments are only available with SQL Server 2005 and later:


The KEEP_CDC argument is only available with SQL Server 2008 and later.

Restore an entire database

RESTORE DATABASE { database_name }  
[ FROM  
            {DISK} = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | 'file_search_pattern' } [ ,...n ]
                [ LATEST_FULL | LATEST_DIFF | LATEST_ALL ]
                SOURCE = 'source_database_name' { LATEST_FULL | LATEST_DIFF | LATEST_ALL }
            {BACKUPHISTORY} [ = 'history_database_name' ]
    [ [ , ] { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSUM } ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYCOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYINTERVAL = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES_REMOTE = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] FILEOPTIONS = { 1 | 2 | 3 } ]
    [ [ , ] KEEP_CDC ]
    [ [ , ] KEEP_REPLICATION ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERROR ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERRORONLY ]
    [ [ , ] LOGTO = { 'target_folder_name' | 'file_name' } ] [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERROR = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERRORONLY = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXTRANSFERSIZE = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 1048576 } ]
    [ [ , ] MOVE 'logical_file_name' TO 'operating_system_file_name' ] [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] MOVETO = { 'target_folder_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] { NORECOVERY | RECOVERY | STANDBY = 'standby_file_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] ORPHAN_CHECK ]
    [ [ , ] PASSWORD = { 'password' } ]
    [ [ , ] REPLACE ]
    [ [ , ] RESTRICTED_USER ]
    [ [ , ] THREADPRIORITY = { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 } ]

Restore part of a database

RESTORE DATABASE { database_name }
    [ FILE = { 'logical_file_name' } | FILEGROUP = { 'logical_filegroup_name' } | PAGE = { 'file:page' } ] [ ,...n ]
FROM DISK = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | 'file_search_pattern' } [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSUM } ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYCOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYINTERVAL = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES_REMOTE = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] FILEOPTIONS = { 1 | 2 | 3 } ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERROR ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERRORONLY ]
    [ [ , ] LOGTO = { 'target_folder_name' | 'file_name' } ] [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERROR = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERRORONLY = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MOVE 'logical_file_name' TO 'operating_system_file_name' ] [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] MOVETO = { 'target_folder_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] NORECOVERY ]
    [ [ , ] ORPHAN_CHECK ]
    [ [ , ] PASSWORD = { 'password' } ]
    [ [ , ] REPLACE ]
    [ [ , ] RESTRICTED_USER ]
    [ [ , ] THREADPRIORITY = { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 } ]

Restore a transaction log

RESTORE LOG { database_name }
   [ FILE = { 'logical_file_name' } | FILEGROUP = { 'logical_filegroup_name' } | PAGE = { 'file:page' } ] [ ,...n ]

[ FROM { DISK } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | 'file_search_pattern' } ] [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSUM } ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYCOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYINTERVAL = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES_REMOTE = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] FILEOPTIONS = { 1 | 2 | 3 } ]
    [ [ , ] KEEP_CDC ]
    [ [ , ] KEEP_REPLICATION ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERROR ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERRORONLY ]
    [ [ , ] LOGTO = { 'target_folder_name' | 'file_name' } ] [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERROR = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERRORONLY = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXTRANSFERSIZE = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 1048576 } ]
    [ [ , ] MOVE 'logical_file_name' TO 'operating_system_file_name' ] [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] MOVETO = { 'target_folder_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] { NORECOVERY | RECOVERY | STANDBY = 'standby_file_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] ORPHAN_CHECK ]
    [ [ , ] PASSWORD = { 'password' } ]
    [ [ , ] REPLACE ]
    [ [ , ] RESTRICTED_USER ]
    [ [ , ] { STOPAT = { 'date_time' | @date_time_var } ]
      | STOPATMARK = { 'mark_name' | 'lsn:lsn_number' }
            [ AFTER 'datetime' ]
      | STOPBEFOREMARK = { 'mark_name' | 'lsn:lsn_number' }
            [ AFTER 'datetime']
    } ]
    [ [ , ] THREADPRIORITY = { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 } ]

Restore file list

[ FROM { DISK } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSUM } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXTRANSFERSIZE = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 1048576 } ]
    [ [ , ] PASSWORD = { 'password' } ]

You cannot use wildcards in the FROM DISK argument with RESTORE FILELISTONLY.

Restore header

[ FROM { DISK } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSUM } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXTRANSFERSIZE = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 1048576 } ]
    [ [ , ] PASSWORD = { 'password' } ]

We recommend you use the SQL Backup command RESTORE SQBHEADERONLY to retrieve the header information for SQL Backup backup files, because it is much quicker than using the native command RESTORE HEADERONLY. For details, see The RESTORE SQBHEADERONLY command.

You cannot use wildcards in the FROM DISK argument with RESTORE HEADERONLY.

Verify backup set

[ FROM { DISK } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' } ] [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSUM } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERROR = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERRORONLY = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXTRANSFERSIZE = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 1048576 } ]
    [ [ , ] PASSWORD = { 'password' } ]

You cannot use wildcards in the FROM DISK argument with RESTORE VERIFYONLY.


DATABASE argument

It is only possible to restore one database at a time. The database name must be enclosed in square brackets [ ] if it includes reserved words or spaces; if the database name does not include reserved words or spaces, square brackets are optional. For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\FULL_20120229.sqb'"

[FILE = 'logical_file_name' | FILEGROUP = 'logical_filegroup_name' | PAGE = 'file:page'] [ ,...n ]

Specifies the files, filegroups or pages of the database that are to be restored. There is no limit on the number of files, filegroups or pages that can be restored, provided thay all belong to the same database. Identify files or filegroups using logical names. For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE pubs FILE = 'SalesF1', FILE = 'SalesF2' FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\salesFiles.sqb'"

If the database is using the simple recovery model, the specified files or filegroups must be read-only unless WITH PARTIAL is specified.

Individual pages of read/write filegroups can be restored, provided the database is using the full or bulk-logged recovery model. Identify the pages to be restored in the format PAGE = 'fileID:pageID'. To restore multiple pages, use the format PAGE = 'fileID:pageID, fileID:pageID'.

For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.

LOG argument

To restore transaction log backups, the database must be in an unrecovered or standby state (see NORECOVERY and STANDBY below). The database name must be enclosed in square brackets [ ] if it includes reserved words or spaces; if the database name does not include reserved words or spaces, square brackets are optional. For example:

"RESTORE LOG [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\LOG__20120229_111500.sqb'"

To restore log backups using successive restore commands, include WITH NORECOVERY in each RESTORE LOG command. For example:

"RESTORE LOG [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\LOG_20120229_111500.sqb' WITH NORECOVERY"
"RESTORE LOG [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\LOG_20120229_113000.sqb' WITH NORECOVERY"

Restore the last log WITH RECOVERY to recover the database to a usable state. For information on restoring multiple log backups in one RESTORE command, see the FROM DISK argument below.

FILE = 'logical_file_name' | FILEGROUP = 'logical_filegroup_name' | PAGE = 'file:page'] [ ,...n ]

Specifies the files, filegroups or pages of the database that are to be restored. There is no limit on the number of files, filegroups or pages that can be restored, provided thay all belong to the same database. Identify files or filegroups using logical names. For example:

"RESTORE LOG pubs FILE = 'SalesF1', FILE = SalesF2' FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\SalesFiles.sqb'"

If the database is using the simple recovery model, the specified files or filegroups must be read-only unless WITH PARTIAL is specified.

Individual pages of read/write filegroups can be restored, provided the database is using the full or bulk-logged recovery model. Identify the pages to be restored in the format PAGE = 'fileID:pageID'. To restore multiple pages, use the format PAGE = 'fileID:pageID, fileID:pageID'.

For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.

FROM DISK argument

You can specify up to 32 DISK values. This is useful when you have split a backup across multiple files. You can also enter a 'file search pattern' by specifying wildcard characters in the physical backup device name. All files that match the wildcard characters must belong to the same backup set. For example, instead of:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb', DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_02.sqb', DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_03.sqb', DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_04.sqb', DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_05.sqb'"

you can enter:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_*.sqb'"

You can also use the file search pattern to restore multiple transaction log backups. The database that the logs are restored to must be in an unrecovered state, that is, it must have been restored using the NORECOVERY or STANDBY option. For example:

"RESTORE LOG [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\Pubs\Logs*.*'"

SQL Backup ensures that the files are restored in the correct sequence. To specify a number of folders, use the DISK command repeatedly. For example:

"RESTORE LOG [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\Pubs\Logs*.*', DISK = 'E:\OtherBackups\Pubs\Logs*.*'"

The backup files that match the wildcard characters must belong to the same backup set. Any encrypted files must use the same password.

You cannot use wildcard characters in the FROM DISK argument for RESTORE FILELISTONLY, RESTORE HEADERONLY, and RESTORE VERIFYONLY commands.


LATEST_FULL is only available in SQL Backup 6.4 and later.

You can use the optional LATEST_FULL keyword to select the most recent full backup of the destination database that matches the DISK values you specify. The DISK values you specify must contain the '*' wildcard. For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs*.sqb' LATEST_FULL"

will find backup files of the destination database in the C:\Backups directory with a file name matching pubs*.sqb, and will then restore the latest full backup. You can specify multiple disk values; this is useful if you have split a backup across multiple files. The files that match the file search pattern must belong to the same backup set.

Note that you cannot use LATEST_FULL when restoring a file or filegroup backup.


LATEST_DIFF is only available in SQL Backup 6.4 and later.

You can use the optional LATEST_DIFF keyword to select the most recent differential backup of the destination database that matches the disk values you specify. You can specify multiple locations; this is useful if you have split the backup across multiple files. The DISK values you specify must contain the '*' wildcard. For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\sales*.sqb', DISK = 'D:\Backups\sales*.sqb' LATEST_DIFF"

will find all differential backup files of the destination database in the C:\Backups and D:\Backups directories with a file name matching sales*.sqb, and will then restore the latest differential backup. The files that match the file search pattern must belong to the same backup set.

Note that if you specify LATEST_DIFF, you must restore to a database that has already had the most recent full backup applied. You cannot use LATEST_DIFF when restoring a file or filegroup backup.


LATEST_ALL is only available in SQL Backup 6.5 and later.

If you specify the LATEST_ALL keyword, the most recent full backup of the destination database will be restored, followed by the most recent differential backup (if one exists), and then finally by the most recent transaction log backups (if any exist). The DISK values you specify must contain the '*' wildcard. For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE pubs FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs*.sqb' LATEST_ALL"

will find backup files of the destination database in the C:\Backups directory with a file name matching pubs*.sqb, and will then restore the latest full backup, the latest differential backup (if applicable) and the latest log backups (if applicable). All the files that match the file search pattern must belong to the same backup set.

You can specify multiple disk values. This is useful if you store different backup types in separate locations or if you have split backups across multiple files. For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\FULL_pubs*.sqb', DISK = 'D:\Backups\DIFF_pubs*.sqb', DISK = 'E:\Backups\LOG_pubs*.sqb' LATEST_ALL"
You cannot use LATEST_ALL when restoring a file or filegroup backup.


SOURCE is only available in SQL Backup 6.4 and later.

You can restore the latest backup files taken from a database other than the destination database by including SOURCE = 'source_database_name'. For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [Sales_Test] FROM DISK = 'D:\backups*.sqb' SOURCE = 'Sales_Prod' LATEST_ALL"

will restore the latest full backup of the Sales_Prod database (followed by subsequent differential and transaction log backups, if applicable), to the Sales_Test database.

Note that you can only use SOURCE if LATEST_FULL, LATEST_DIFF or LATEST_ALL is included in the RESTORE statement. You cannot use SOURCE when restoring a file or filegroup backup.


Use FROM BACKUPHISTORY when you want to restore the latest full, latest differential, or all the latest backups (including transaction log backups) for a particular database, without having to list the individual backup file locations. SQL Backup searches its own backup history to determine which backup files to restore. You must also specify the LATEST_FULL, LATEST_DIFF, or LATEST_ALL keyword. For example:


will search the backup history for the 'sales' database, and will then restore the latest full backup over the current sales database.

To search the backup history of a different database, you can specify this as part of the BACKUPHISTORY parameter. For example:


will search the backup history for the 'sales' database, and will then restore the latest full backup to the sales_dev database.

WITH options


By default, if the backup process included WITH CHECKSUM the backup checksum and any page checksums are validated on restore. If the backup does not include a backup checksum, any page checksums will not be validated. Specify NO_CHECKSUM to disable default validation of checksums. If you specify CHECKSUM, the backup checksum and any page checksums will be validated as by default, but if the backup does not include a backup checksum, an error is returned. For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR specifies that the RESTORE process should continue after an error is encountered, restoring what it can. This is the default behavior for RESTORE VERIFYONLY (see VERIFY in The BACKUP command). The RESTORE VERIFYONLY process then reports all errors it has encountered.

STOP_ON_ERROR specifies that the RESTORE process should stop if an error is encountered. This is the default behavior for RESTORE.

For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Kills any existing connections to the database before starting the restore. Restoring to an existing database will fail if there are any connections to the database.


In combination with DISKRETRYINTERVAL, this argument controls network resilience behavior.

DISKRETRYCOUNT specifies the maximum number of times to retry a failed data-transfer operation (reading or moving a backup file). If you omit this keyword, the default value of 10 is used. If you specify a value for DISKRETRYCOUNT, you should also specify a value for DISKRETRYINTERVAL.


In combination with DISKRETRYCOUNT, this argument controls network resilience behavior.

DISKRETRYINTERVAL specifies the time interval between retries, in seconds, following a failed data-transfer operation (reading or moving a backup file). If you omit this keyword, the default value of 30 seconds is used. If you specify a value for DISKRETRYINTERVAL, you should also specify a value for DISKRETRYCOUNT.


Specifies the number of existing SQL Backup backups to be deleted from the MOVETO folder. This is useful for managing the number of backups in the MOVETO folder when log shipping. Note: You must also include FILEOPTIONS.

You can choose to delete SQL Backup backups based on:

  • Age: files older than the specified number of days or hours are deleted. Specify a number for days, or type h after the number for hours. 
    For example, ERASEFILES = 24 deletes files that are more than 24 days old; ERASEFILES = 24h deletes files that are more than 24 hours old. Note that a day is calculated as a period of 24 hours, and takes no account of calendar date.
  • Number of backups to keep: only the latest 'x' backups will be kept. To specify the number of backups to be kept, type b after the number. 
    For example, ERASEFILES = 5b ensures the latest 5 backups are kept; older backups are deleted.

Files are deleted only if the following details match the details of the database being backed up:

  • The name of the SQL Server, instance (if applicable), and database recorded in the file header.
  • The backup type (full, differential, transaction log).
  • The backup password. If the PASSWORD option is not specified (because the backup is not encrypted), any existing encrypted backups in the DISK location will not be identified by ERASEFILES because the file header cannot be read. This may result in backups older than the specified age or in excess of the specified number being retained. 

If SQL Backup cannot list the contents of the folder that contains the files to be deleted, it cannot delete the files. Ensure the SQL Backup Agent service startup account (or, if you are using the command line, the user account from which you are running SQLBackupC.exe) has permissions to list the folder contents.


The following example restores a transaction log backup to the pubs database and leaves it in a non-operational state, then moves the backup to C:\processed_logs and deletes all transaction log backups of pubs other than the latest 10 from that folder:

"RESTORE LOG [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\shipped_logs\pubs\LOG_20120229_151009.sqb' WITH MOVETO = 'C:\processed_logs', ERASEFILES = 10b, FILEOPTIONS = 1, NORECOVERY"

If ERASEFILES and ERASEFILES_REMOTE are included in the same command, the ERASEFILES_REMOTE setting overrides the ERASEFILES setting for remote MOVETO locations.


Manages deletion of existing SQL Backup backups from remote MOVETO folders. This is useful for managing the number of files in the MOVETO folder when log shipping.

You can choose to delete SQL Backup files based on:

  • Age: files older than the specified number of days or hours are deleted. Specify a number for days, or type h after the number for hours. For example, ERASEFILES_REMOTE = 24 deletes files that are more than 24 days old; ERASEFILES_REMOTE = 24h deletes files that are more than 24 hours old. Note that a day is calculated as a period of 24 hours, and takes no account of calendar date.
  • Number of backups to keep: only the latest 'x' backups will be kept. To specify the number of backups to be kept, type b after the number. For example, ERASEFILES_REMOTE = 5b ensures the latest 5 backups are kept; older backups are deleted.

Files are deleted only if the following details match the details of the database being backed up:

  • The name of the SQL Server, instance (if applicable), and database recorded in the file header.
  • The backup type (full, differential, transaction log).
  • The backup password. If the PASSWORD option is not specified (because the backup is not encrypted), any existing encrypted backups in the DISK location will not be identified by ERASEFILES_REMOTE because the file header cannot be read. This may result in backups older than the specified age or in excess of the specified number being retained. 

If SQL Backup cannot list the contents of the folder that contains the files to be deleted, it cannot delete the files. Ensure the SQL Backup Agent service startup account (or, if you are using the command line, the user account from which you are running SQLBackupC.exe) has permissions to list the folder contents.


The following example restores a transaction log backup to the pubs database and leaves it in a non-operational state, then moves the backup to \\Server01\processed_logs and deletes all backups older than 6 hours from that folder:

"RESTORE LOG [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\shipped_logs\pubs\LOG_20120229_151009.sqb' WITH MOVETO = '\\Server01\processed_logs', ERASEFILES_REMOTE = 6h, NORECOVERY"

To delete files from local MOVETO folders, use ERASEFILES and FILEOPTIONS.


Use in conjunction with ERASEFILES. Specifies whether backup files are to be deleted from the MOVETO folder. Specify the sum of the values that correspond to the options you require:

1Delete backup files in the MOVETO folder if they are older than the number of days or hours specified in ERASEFILES.
2Do not delete backup files in the MOVETO folder that are older than the number of days or hours specified in ERASEFILES if they have the ARCHIVE flag set.

Valid values are 12, and 3.

You must also set the age of the files to delete using ERASEFILES. For example, to delete backup files in the MOVETO folder that are older than 5 days:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\FULL_20120229.sqb' WITH MOVETO = 'C:\Backups\Archive\pubs', ERASEFILES = 5, FILEOPTIONS = 1"

To delete any existing files in the MOVETO folder that are older than 5 days and do not have the ARCHIVE flag set, (values 1 + 2):

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\FULL_20120229.sqb' WITH MOVETO = 'C:\Backups\Archive\pubs', ERASEFILES = 5, FILEOPTIONS = 3"


KEEP_CDC is only available in SQL Backup 6.5 and later.

Specifies that Change Data Capture settings are to be retained when a database or log is restored to another server.

This option cannot be included with NORECOVERY. Refer to your SQL Server documentation for more information.


This option is for use when log shipping is used in conjunction with replication. Specifies that replication settings are to be retained when a database or log is restored to a standby server.

This option cannot be included with NORECOVERY. Refer to your SQL Server documentation for more information.


Specifies that a log file should only be created if SQL Backup encounters an error during the restore process, or the restore completes successfully but with warnings. Use this option if you want to restrict the number of log files created by your restore processes, but maintain log information whenever warnings or errors occur. This argument controls the creation of log files on disk only; emailed log files are not affected. (See the MAILTO options below for details on emailing log files.)


Specifies that a log file should only be created if SQL Backup encounters an error during the restore process. Use this option if you want to restrict the number of log files created by your restore processes, but maintain log information whenever errors occur. This argument controls the creation of log files on disk only; emailed log files are not affected. (See the MAILTO options below for details on emailing log files.)


Specifies that a copy of the log file is to be saved.

By default, the primary log file is created in the folder %ProgramData%\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Log (Windows Vista, Windows 2008 and later) or %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Log (Windows XP and Windows 2003); you can change this location in your file management options.

To create a copy with the same name as the primary log file, specify the folder. For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\FULL_20120229.sqb' WITH LOGTO = 'C:\Logs'"

To create a copy with a different name from the primary log file, specify the folder and file name. For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\FULL_20120229.sqb' WITH LOGTO = 'C:\Logs', LOGTO = 'C:\Logs\SQBSecondaryLog.txt'"

To copy the log file to more than one location, use multiple LOGTO commands.


Specifies that the outcome of the restore operation is emailed to one or more users; the email includes the contents of the log file. SQL Backup uses the settings specified in your email settings to send the email. To specify multiple recipients, separate the email addresses with a semi-colon (;). For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\FULL_20120229.sqb' WITH MAILTO = 'dba01@myco.com*;*dba02@myco.com'"

If you have not defined email settings, the email will not be sent and a warning will be reported.


Specifies that SQL Backup should not include the contents of the log file in the email. An email will still be sent to notify the specified recipients of success and/or failure, depending on which MAILTO parameter has been specified.


Specifies that that the outcome of the restore operation is emailed to one or more users if SQL Backup encounters an error during the restore process or the restore process completes successfully but with warnings. The email includes the contents of the log file. SQL Backup uses the settings specified in your email settings to send the email. To specify multiple recipients, separate the email addresses with a semi-colon (;). For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\FULL_20120229.sqb' WITH MAILTO_ONERROR = 'dba01@myco.com;dba02@myco.com'"

If you have not defined email settings, the email will not be sent and a warning will be reported.


Specifies that that the outcome of the restore operation is emailed to one or more users if SQL Backup encounters an error during the restore process. The email includes the contents of the log file. SQL Backup uses the settings specified in your email settings to send the email. To specify multiple recipients, separate the email addresses with a semi-colon (;). For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\FULL_20120229.sqb' WITH MAILTO_ONERRORONLY = 'dba01@myco.com;dba02@myco.com'"

If you have not defined email settings, the email will not be sent and a warning will be reported.


Specifies the maximum size of each block of memory to be used when SQL Backup restores backup data. You may want to specify this argument if a SQL Server reports that it has insufficient memory to service requests from SQL Backup.

Valid values are integers in multiples of 65536, up to a maximum value of 1048576. For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\FULL_20120229.sqb' WITH MAXTRANSFERSIZE = 262144"

If not specified, defaults to 1048576. However, if you have created the following DWORD registry key, SQL Backup uses the defined value as the default value:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\<instance name>\MAXTRANSFERSIZE

MOVE 'logical_file_name' TO 'operating_system_file_name'

Specifies that the data file, log file, full text catalog (SQL Server 2005 only) or filestream data (SQL Server 2008 or later) identified by the logical file name should be restored to the physical location specified. The location must exist before the RESTORE command is executed. This option can also be used to rename the physical files. For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\FULL_20120229.sqb' WITH MOVE 'pubs_data' TO 'F:\Pubs02\Data\pubs_data02'"


Specifies that the backup files should be moved to another folder when the restore process completes. If the folder you specify does not exist, it will be created.

You must ensure that you have permission to delete files from the original folder, and to write to the MOVETO folder.

You can also use tags with the MOVETO argument, for example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\FULL_20120229.sqb' WITH MOVETO = 'C:\Backups\Archive\<INSTANCE>\<DATABASE>\'"


Prevents a log file from being created for the restore process, even if errors or warnings are generated. You may want to use this option if you are concerned about generating a large number of log files, and are certain that you will not need to review the details of errors or warnings (for example, because it's possible to run the process again without needing to know why it failed). This argument controls the creation of log files on disk only; emailed log files are not affected. (See the MAILTO options above for details on emailing log files.)


Specifies that incomplete transactions are not to be rolled back on restore. The database cannot be used but differential backups and transaction log backups can be restored. For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Specifies that once the restore has completed, the database should be checked for orphaned users. Database user names are considered to be orphaned if they do not have a corresponding login defined on the SQL Server instance. Orphaned users are often created when you restore a database backup to a different SQL Server instance.

Note that ORPHAN_CHECK will only detect database users that are based on SQL Server logins; orphaned users based on Windows principals are not detected.

If orphaned users are detected, warning 472 is generated and each orphaned user is listed in the SQL Backup log file along with the associated SID.


Specifies a partial restore of a database. The primary filegroup is restored, together with any specified secondary filegroups. See the DATABASE argument above for details on how to specify particular filegroups in a restore operation.

For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Specifies the password to be used with encrypted backup files.

You cannot use the encrypted form of the password. This is to prevent unauthorized users from restoring backups if they have access to the encrypted password from the backup script.

SQL Backup version 3 allowed the use of encrypted passwords; these will no longer work. You must specify the password in unencrypted form:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs\FULL_20120229.sqb' WITH PASSWORD = 'Password'"


Specifies that incomplete transactions are to be rolled back. Recovery is completed and the database is in a usable state. Further differential backups and transaction log backups cannot be restored.

If no recovery completion state is specified, WITH RECOVERY is the default behavior. For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Specifies that the database should be restored, even if another database of that name already exists. The existing database will be deleted. REPLACE is required to prevent a database of a different name being overwritten by accident.

REPLACE is not required to overwrite a database which matches the name recorded in the backup.

For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Specifies that access to the restored database is to be limited to members of the db_owner, dbcreator or sysadmin roles. Return the database to multi-user or single-user mode using your SQL Server application. For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Specifies that the results returned by the RESTORE command should be limited to just one result set. This may be useful if you want to manipulate results using a Transact-SQL script. Such scripts can only manipulate results when a single result set is returned. The RESTORE command will return two result sets by default in most cases, unless you specify the SINGLERESULTSET keyword.


Specifies a standby file that allows the recovery effects to be undone. The STANDBY option is allowed for offline restore (including partial restore). The option is disallowed for online restore.

Refer to your SQL Server documentation for more information about the STANDBY argument.


Is a standby file used to keep a "copy-on-write" pre-image for pages modified during the undo pass of a RESTORE WITH STANDBY.

When used with the RESTORE DATABASE or RESTORE LOG command, 'standby_file_name' can include tags, but these are not required.


Specifies a point in time to which a transaction log backup should be restored. The database will be recovered up to the last transaction commit that occurred at or before the specified time. When restoring to a point in time, include this option in each RESTORE LOG statement. For example:

"RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_full.sqb' WITH NORECOVERY'"
"RESTORE LOG [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_log_20120601093000.sqb' WITH NORECOVERY, STOPAT = '2012-06-01T09:40:30'"
"RESTORE LOG [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_log_20120601094500.sqb' WITH RECOVERY, STOPAT = '2012-06-01T09:40:30'"

For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Specifies the point to which a transaction log backup should be restored, using either the log sequence number or a marked transaction. The database will be recovered up to and including the log record that contains the specified LSN or the marked transaction.

AFTER can be used when specifying a marked transaction and is useful when the mark name is not unique. The database is recovered as far as the first marked transaction to have occurred on or after the specified time.

For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Specifies the point to which a transaction log backup should be restored, using either the log sequence number or a marked transaction. The database will be recovered up to but excluding the log record that contains the specified LSN or the marked transaction.

AFTER can be used when specifying a marked transaction and is useful when the mark name is not unique. The database is recovered up to the first marked transaction to have occurred on or after the specified time.

For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Sets the SQL Backup thread priority when the backup or restore process is run. Valid values are 0 to 6, and correspond to the following priorities:

1Very low
5Very high
6Time critical

If this value is not specified, normal priority is used.


Restore a database from a single file

This example restores a full backup of the pubs database from a single file.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH REPLACE"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH REPLACE" ' 

Restore a database from multiple (split) backup files

This example restores a full backup of the pubs database from two files.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb', DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_02.sqb' WITH REPLACE"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'', DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_02.sqb'' WITH REPLACE" '

Restore a database to a new name and move the database files

This example restores a full backup of the pubs database and restores it to a new database called pubs02. It also renames the database data and log files and moves them to a new location.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs02] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH MOVE 'pubs' TO 'E:\Data\pubs02.mdf', MOVE 'pubs_log' TO 'E:\Data\pubs02.ldf' "
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs02] FROM DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH MOVE ''pubs'' TO ''E:\Data\pubs02.mdf'', MOVE ''pubs_log'' TO ''E:\Data\pubs02.ldf'' " '

Restore a database from the latest full backup on different disks

This example searches multiple disk locations for full backups of the pubs database that match the file name pattern and restores the latest full backup.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups*pubs*.sqb', DISK = 'D:\Backups*pubs*.sqb', DISK = 'E:\Backups*pubs*.sqb' LATEST_FULL WITH REPLACE"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = ''C:\Backups*pubs*.sqb'', DISK = ''D:\Backups*pubs*.sqb'', DISK = ''E:\Backups*pubs*.sqb'' LATEST_FULL WITH REPLACE 

Restore a database from the latest backup set on different disks

This example searches multiple disk locations for full, differential and transaction log backups of the pubs database that match the file name pattern, and restores the most recent full backup, followed by the most recent differential backup and the most recent transaction log backups.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups*pubs*.sqb', DISK = 'D:\Backups*pubs*.sqb', DISK = 'E:\Backups*pubs*.sqb' LATEST_ALL WITH REPLACE"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = ''C:\Backups*pubs*.sqb'', FROM DISK = ''D:\Backups*pubs*.sqb'', DISK = ''E:\Backups*pubs*.sqb'' LATEST_ALL WITH REPLACE" '

Restore to a new database from the latest backup set and check for orphaned users

This example restores the most recent full backup of the pubs database, followed by the most recent differential backup and the most recent transaction log backups available from C:\Backups to a new database called pubs02 and checks for orphaned users.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs02] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs*.sqb' SOURCE = 'pubs' LATEST_ALL WITH ORPHAN_CHECK"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs02] FROM DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs*.sqb'' SOURCE = ''pubs'' LATEST_ALL WITH ORPHAN_CHECK" ' 

Restore a database from an encrypted backup file

This example restores an encrypted backup of the pubs database, specifying the password MyPassword.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH PASSWORD = 'MyPassword' "
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH PASSWORD = ''MyPassword'' "  

Restore a database in NORECOVERY mode

This example restores a full backup of the pubs database, specifying that the database is to be left in an unrecovered state so that differential and transaction log backups can be restored to it.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH NORECOVERY"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH NORECOVERY"  

Restore a database in READ-ONLY mode 

This example restores a full backup of the pubs database, specifying that the database should be left in an unrecovered, read-only state so that its data can be viewed and differential and transaction log backups can be restored to it. The location of the standby file is specified.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH STANDBY = 'C:\Standby\pubs_log.DAT' "
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH STANDBY = ''C:\Standby\pubs_log.DAT'' " '

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