SQL Backup 9

Managing credentials for network shares

  • To save the credentials for a given share from management studio run 

EXEC master..sqbutility 1082, '\\share\backups', 'login', 'password' 

  • To delete the credentials

EXEC master..sqbutility 1082, '\\share\backups', '', '' 

  • To disconnect all existing connections

(in situations where a network failure has occurred, and all existing connections have become invalid and needs to be refreshed)
EXEC master..sqbutility 1082, '<disconnect>', '', '' 

The share names are considered to be case insenstive.

The SQL Backup Agent will choose the longest match  available,

so for example to copy a file to //share/backups/pubs 
and there are details for 




the engine will choose the longest match in this case //share/backups/pubs 

(NB. The passwords are obfuscated not encrypted.)

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