SQL Compare 12

SQL Compare 12.1 release notes

What's new in SQL Compare 12.1

My projects

In response to a lot of feedback we have received since the release of SQL Compare 12, we have brought back the familiar 'my projects' dialog from SQL Compare 11:

The new dialog allows you to view the details of the source and target for each project as well as when it was last modified. The list of projects can be filtered using the search box in the top-right corner.

The new dialog is accessible from the File menu under My projects and, by checking the box at the bottom of the dialog, it can also be made to appear when the application starts up.

Last modified dates

SQL Compare 12.1 adds the ability to see when each object in the comparison results grid was last modified:

For tables, views, functions and stored procedures the comparison grid will show an extra column indicating when the object's schema last changed. The column can be sorted (by clicking on the column header) so that you can see at a glance which objects have changed recently.

Disable auto-mapping of similar columns

SQL Compare 12.1 adds the ability to toggle the automatic mapping of similar columns. This is in response to feedback that the default behaviour (to always map similar columns) was undesirable in some situations. The new option can be found on the project Options tab under Auto-map similar columns:

By default SQL Compare automatically maps columns having the same data types and similar names. This is to help detect renamed columns without the user having to map the columns manually.

The new option is selected by default so there is no change in behaviour for existing projects. To disable automatic mapping, un-check the option and click Save. When disabled, columns that SQL Compare would have mapped together automatically will now have to be mapped manually from the Table mapping tab.

Improved update notifications

When updates are available for SQL Compare you will now see a notification banner within the product. This will make it easier to know when updates have been released and what features have been added.

The new banner provides details about the features and fixes included and allows installation of the update. If you wish to update at a later date, or to skip an update these options are available from the Remind me drop down. - February 13th 2017



  • Fixed a licensing related crash in the SQL Compare command line. - February 6th 2017



  • Data in timestamp columns is now ignored when you use the /Include:StaticData switch on the command line.


  • SC-9197: Support registering databases with users that have the permission ALTER ANY EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE
  • SC-9168: Whitespace differences no longer shown in the differences pane, when the "Ignore white space" option is used.
  • SC-9209: Fix sorting of the Last modified columns in the main differences grid
  • SC-9166: The deployment wizard now picks up changes to backup settings made while deploying
  • SC-9171: Fixed a parser crash reading BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSATION statements
  • RGC-255: Removed an issue that could cause minute-long delays during startup - January 17th 2017



  • SC-4600: SQL Compare will now try to disable and enable indexes and foreign keys when appropriate


  • SC-9153: SQL Compare will no longer display an error when loading a project using SQL authentication where the 'Save Password' box has not been checked.
  • SC-9188: Improved highlighting of the SQL diff view when case sensitive or ignoring whitespace
  • SC-9190: Fixed some checkboxes which were invisible in some cases
  • SC-9162: Fixed a parser crash caused by an ambiguity that could occur when a SELECT .. from OPENQUERY statement was followed by a MERGE statement - January 16th 2017


  • SC-9176: SQL Compare now uses a shorter date format in the open project dialog
  • SC-9174: fix incorrect icons and text in generated comparison report, when deploying right-to-left in SQL Compare
  • Fixed an issue where we couldn't add/remove "WITH ENCRYPTION" in some cases - January 9th 2017



  • SQL Server vNext on Linux is now supported.
  • SQL Compare SSMS extension now supports latest version (v17.0 RC1) of SQL Server Management Studio


  • SC-9154: Object existence checks for bound defaults are now written out correctly
  • SC-9160: SQL Compare now no longer allows showing multiple create database dialogs
  • Fixed a bug where swapping databases in the Edit Project dialog could cause SQL Source Control revision numbers to be associated with the wrong database - January 4th 2017



  • SC-9167: The ignore white space option now correctly ignores white space in comments of textual objects
  • SC-9159: Fixed a case where SQL Compare could crash while registering inline CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE definitions in a CREATE TABLE statement from a scripts folder
  • SC-9058: Improved support for AT TIME ZONE syntax
  • SC-9147: SQL Compare will now recreate an index after dropping it due to changing an underlying field when the Ignore indexes option is set and the index only exists in the target database
  • SC-9158: SQL Compare now accepts OPENJSON calls with arbitrary expressions as the json parameter
  • SC-9155: SQL Compare will no longer check for differences in activation properties on queues (EXECUTE AS, MAX READERS, etc) if an activation procedure is not set
  • SC-9157: Improved the responsiveness of SQL Compare when selecting items to deploy - December 19th 2016


  • SC-2186, SC-3890, SC-3975, SC-4993, SC-9147: SQL Compare will now recreate an index after dropping it due to changing an underlying field when the Ignore indexes option is set
  • SC-7337: Fixed a bug where SQL Compare could register partition function parameter datetime2 precision in an inconsistent way with SQL Server, causing invisible differences to appear in the comparison
  • SC-9149: SQL Compare now accepts the WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY option for ALTER TABLE SWITCH PARTITION statements
  • SC-9150: The new My Projects window will no longer have its own entry in the taskbar to prevent some bugs with modal dialogs being accessed in the wrong order
  • SC-9156: The new My Projects dialog will now correctly load projects which specify a SQL Source Control data source

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