SQL Change Automation 4

Component versioning using a dedicated table and static data with Visual Studio

The following example takes the online approach to handling static data.

  1. Create a SQL Change Automation project

  2. Add a new version table containing static data (see below for example SQL) 

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[component_versions](
    	[component] [NVARCHAR](64) NOT NULL,
    	[version] [INT] NOT NULL,
    	CONSTRAINT [PK_component_versions] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED 
    		[component] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY] 
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[component_versions] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [CK_component] CHECK  (([component]<>''))
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[component_versions] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_component] 
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[component_versions] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [CK_version] CHECK  (([version]>(0)))
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[component_versions] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_version] 
    UPDATE [dbo].[component_versions] SET version = 1 WHERE component = N'customers'
    UPDATE [dbo].[component_versions] SET version = 1 WHERE component = N'regions'
  3. Refresh  SQL Change Automation, select the table, and click Import and generate script

  4. Click Refresh and then right-click on an object and click Include Table Data to include static data for the table 

  5. Click Refresh again, and then Import and generate script to create a migration script containing the static data. It might look like this:

Now everything is set. 

When the corresponding database objects next need to change, a new component version will be needed.

Update the record in the database and import a new migration script. It will contain the following logic or equivalent: 

UPDATE component_versions SET version = 3 WHERE component = M'customers'

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