SQL CI and DLM Dashboard integration errors

This page lists the command line error messages displayed if SQL CI and DLM Dashboard integration isn't working.


SQL CI can't reach the DLM Dashboard host. Retry once you've checked:

  • that DLM Dashboard is running without problems.
  • which versions of SQL CI and DLM Dashboard you're using. Make sure you're using SQL CI version or later with DLM Dashboard version or later.
  • the name or IP address of the machine running DLM Dashboard is correct.
  • the port number is correct and not in use already. DLM Dashboard uses port 19528 by default.
  • there are no firewall rules in place blocking the connection. 


The versions of SQL CI and DLM Dashboard you're using are incompatible. Make sure you're using SQL CI version or later with DLM Dashboard version or later.


There's a problem with the name or IP address or port number you've entered for the machine running DLM Dashboard. Make sure you've entered the correct details for the right machine.

ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable (HTTP error 503)

The machine running DLM Dashboard is temporary overloaded or under maintenance. Check what else is running, or retry later. 


There's an unexpected internal problem with DLM Dashboard. Contact DLMDashboardSupport@red-gate.com

Error messages

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