Schema Compare for Oracle 5

Schema Compare for Oracle 3.1 release notes

Version 3.1.16 - July 10th, 2017


  • Fixed null reference exception on recreating object grants from older versions

Version 3.1.15 - July 6th, 2017


  • Added support for roles granted to programs


  • OC-767: Missing view feature (WITH OBJECT_IDENTIFIER)
  • Added support for roles granted to schema


  • OSC-717/OC-731: For SYNONYMS the ExcludeTargetSchemaName option should not apply to the FOR statement.
  • OC-819: Fixed marking difference when white characters occur in multi-line character values (single quote).
  • Fixed duplicate key error after multi-schema comparision with objects sharing same name in different schemas.
  • Fixed object grants duplication in deploy script when deploying from snapshot to database.

Version 3.1.14 - June 21st, 2017


  • Table: Clustering attribute support: added clustering_join clause.


  • OC-899/OC-900: Fixed parsing Constraint for JSON with (LAX)
  • OSC-707: Fixed error "The key already existed in the dictionary." after check-in and refreshing the object
  • OC-903/OC-901/OC-833: Fixed problems with "Out of Memory Exception." during comparison on 32bit application and poor performance

Version 3.1.12 - June 7th, 2017


  • Table: Clustering attribute support: cluster_clasue (clustering_columns, clustering_column_group), clustering_when clause


  • OC-831: Deployment script lines > 2499 formatting (Helpful for SQL Plus users)
  • OC-896: Fix for command line (when using project file)
  • OC-901, OC-833: Fix redundant GRANTS

Version 3.1.11 - May 22nd, 2017


  • Tables: Period For clause support
  • Tables: Advanced index compression support


  • Fix issue when non-DBA user has permission to DBA_USERS
  • Storage Options - common code base for Tables, Materialized Views and Indexes

Version 3.1.10 - May 15th, 2017


  • OSC-707, OC-893: Fix differentiation between dba and non-dba user for GRANTS
  • OC-895: Fix problem with multi-threading and access to script files

Version 3.1.9 - May 9th, 2017


  • Fixed error on parsing scripts folder for previous version

Version 3.1.8 - May 8th, 2017


  • Add support for system privileges
  • Add support for object privileges
  • OSC-645: Added storage support for materialized view


  • OC-888: Fixed marking difference when whitespace occurs in chars values (single quoted)
  • OSC-701: Fixed parsing disabled triggers

Version 3.1.7 - April 19th, 2017


  • Materialized Views: Deferred Segment Creation clause


  • Materialized Views: Compress clause
  • Materialized Views: Inmemory clause
  • Materialized Views: Heap clause


  • OC-883: Fixed creating constraint with index in Materialized View.

Version 3.1.6 - April 3rd, 2017



  • Materialized view log: PURGE clause


  • Fixed image directory separator. Accessing interactive comparison report from a web server will load images while using Firefox.
  • OC-879: Fixed generate of objects qualified names during scripting.
  • Script for altering MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG now places FORCE keyword in proper place
  • OC-564: Fixed supporting INTERVAL clause for range table partitioning.
  • OC-804: Fixed conversion from DbNull to string exception occurring in the population of foreign keys.
  • OC-827: Dependency population speed increased
  • OC-839: Fixed reading table objects with LOB's and partitions referenced from other tables
  • OSC-685: Fixed creating index on JSON type field in table.
  • OSC-686: Fixed creating triggers if there is no trigger body and description in DBA_SOURCES.

Version 3.1.5 - January 4th, 2016


  • OC-588: Cluster storage is now stored correctly in snapshot files

Schema Compare engine updates


  • OC-616: GRANT statements to other schemas now script after object creation
  • OC-725: GRANT REFERENCES now come before referencing object when comparing multiple schemas
  • OC-802: Index type population no longer fails due to unpopulated operators
  • OSC-588: String literals escaped with q' or table definitions containing q' no longer fail to parse
  • Using the non-default option "dependent options in other schemas" no longer hangs during population


  • Table: Support in memory options on partitions
  • Table: Support new compression options
  • Index: Support for Unusable option on partitions and subpartitions

Version 3.1.4 - November 26th, 2015


  • The command line no longer shows issues or warnings that are not relevant when deploying to a scripts folder

Schema compare engine updates


  • Performance improvement as live database population now works on many threads, previously just two
  • Quoted string literals in default values are now parsed and strings are considered equal regardless of quoting method


  • Tables: Indexing clause
  • Indexes: Partial index clause
  • Table: ILM clause
  • Table: INMEMORY support
  • JSON: support for IS JSON, JSONEXISTS(), JSONTEXTCONTAINS() conditions


  • %TYPE attribute used in types no longer causes parsing failures
  • Correctly synchronizes primary key and unique indexes that have identical columns but in different orders
  • New lines in column names no longer causes parsing failures
  • Disabled unique constraints on views now supported
  • OC-796 - Deployment script is no longer empty when comparing domain indexes that differ by parameter contents

Version 3.1.3 - September 23rd, 2015


  • New "Include storage" options are now available for projects

Command line

  • /storage:<value> added to "Include storage" options
  • /resolve:<issue>:<resolution> added to resolve script generation issues
  • Issues generated during script creation are output on the command line
  • OC-787: errors on command line show actual error text rather than "One or more errors occurred."

Schema Compare engine updates


  • Table: ROW ARCHIVAL clause
  • Table: DEFAULT ON NULL clause
  • Table: EVALUATE USING clause
  • Table: UNUSABLE EDITIONS clause


  • Table: ENCRYPT clause
  • New option: Include compression
  • New option: Include extents
  • New option: Include INITRANS
  • New option: Include lobs
  • New option: Include logging
  • New option: Include PCTFREE
  • New option: Include tablespaces and partitioning
  • Support modifying types referenced by another type
  • Improve population speed by reducing unused population


  • Comments between WITH CHECK OPTION and ; in view definition no longer affect constraint population when reading from script files
  • Differences in newline format are no longer identified as differences (eg /n is equivalent to /r/n)
  • Comments within CHECK constraints are included when reading from script files
  • Multi-column constraints no longer fail to parse when reading from script files
  • OC-783: Column rename detection option can now be completely turned off
  • Upgraded third party library to get the latest bug fixes, including:
    • Negative numbers no longer become positive when being read in x64 mode under .NET 4.6

Version 3.1.2 - August 11th, 2015


Command line

  • Support for new "Ignore length semantics" option

  • Passwords are no longer displayed in the verbose output


  • Options are now stored in full, allowing new options to be introduced in the future
  • "My Defaults" will be reset for any new projects
  • "Ignore storage" is now "Include: all storage options", making way for granular storage options

Schema Compare engine updates


  • View: EDITIONING keyword
  • New: "Ignore length semantics" option to ignore BYTE/CHAR differences when comparing CHAR and VARCHAR2 columns
  • 12c:
    • Materialized view: UNUSABLE EDITIONS clause
    • Materialized view: EVALUATE USING clause
    • Materialized view log: FOR REFRESH clause
    • Materialized view log: COMMIT SCN option
    • View: Constraint name supported in read-only subquery restriction


  • OC-749: Comparing multiple schemas to a scripts folder with "Exclude schema names" option turned on no longer throws an exception
  • OSC-550: Batch separator now included when scripting type and type body
  • OSC-556: Improved parsing of subquery restriction clause in views
  • OSC-558: Fixed parsing of views without column definitions
  • Storage clause improvements and fixes preparing for upcoming granular storage options

Version - June 29th, 2015


Command line

  • /loglevel:error|warning|verbose to create full Redgate log files
  • /verbose and /quiet to control ouput


  • OC-218: "Save changes before closing project" dialog box now appears each time you try to exit without saving
  • OC-762: Setting "My defaults" in the project options overrides the options set in "Red Gate Defaults"
  • Updated icons and splash screen

Schema Compare engine updates


  • Added new "Suppress alter compile" option to turn off all calculations and scripting associated with performing an ALTER COMPILE on objects which are dependent on those which are deployed
  • 12c:
    • Table: IDENTITY columns
    • Table: INVISIBLE/VISIBLE columns
    • View: BEQUEATH keyword
    • View: INVISIBLE/VISIBLE columns


  • Automatic column rename detection is now enabled for materialized views
  • Oracle connections are now closed when reading schema and database information
  • OSC-515: Spatial indexes and object property indexes are now scripted correctly
  • OSC-539: Synonyms and sequences are now scripted with trailing ; in .sql files
  • OSC-544: Materialized views no longer compare old refresh information if NEVER REFRESH is selected
  • OC-752: External tables are now stored correctly in snapshot files
  • OC-756: ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT is no longer registered as a difference when "Ignore storage" option is turned off
  • OC-765: The DISABLE keyword in foreign key is now in the correct location (after DEFERRABLE)
  • OC-768: Column rename detection is now disabled for external tables

Version - April 21st, 2015


  • 12c support for KEEP/SESSION on sequences

  • OC-732: Schema population now falls back to using all_* tables at all points in population if access to dba_* is disallowed
  • OC-738: New option to generate "DROP TABLE ... PURGE" in deployment scripts

  • OC-740: Allow implicit conversion of DATE to TIMESTAMP types


  • OSC-398: Nested table clause moved before CACHE/PARALLEL in script generation to fix parsing issues - generated sql files will have to be removed from source control
  • OC-708: Now correctly parses SET DEFINE OFF or SET SQLBLANKLINES ON in *.sql files
  • OC-715: MDXT_...$ tables now excluded from comparison (statistics tables generated by Oracle for spatial indexes)
  • OC-735: Grants are now scripted with sequence during creation
  • OC-736: OVERFLOW clause added to index-organized tables if needed even when “Ignore storage options” is enabled

  • OC-745: Report generation is now filtered when using /Filter:<file> option on command line
  • OC-747: Always create scripts in the format of the source when deploying to an empty scripts folder (previously 12c scripts would initially be created as 11g scripts)
  • OC-752: EXTERNAL table storage now serialized in snapshot files

  • "Show PL/SQL difference" now works with materialized views


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