SQL Data Compare 11

SQL Data Compare 11.4 release notes

11.4.10 - February 8th, 2016


Compatibility with SQL Compare version 11.4.10

11.4.9 - February 3rd, 2016


New Features

  • SQL Data Compare now has a SHA-256 digital signature.

11.4.8 - January 18th, 2016


  • SQL Data Compare now requires .NET 4.0 to be installed
  • Pivot view has been removed from the differences grid after a rewrite.


  • Fixed an error registering views on Azure SQL Database V11.
  • SDC-2037: Fixed a crash selecting rows in the Row Differences pane.
  • SDC-2014Data Compare no longer inserts NULLs when deploying a script folder where column names weren't specified

11.4.6 - January 11th, 2016


Compatibility with SQL Compare version 11.4.6

11.4.5 - December 21st, 2015



  • SDC-2002: Fix an issue where `comctl32.dll` could potentially fail to load when SQL Data Compare is launched.
  • SDC-2007: SQL Data Compare no longer fills its log file with warnings when trying to connect to some versions of SQL Source Control.

11.4.4 - December 14th, 2015


Compatibility with SQL Compare version 11.4.4

11.4.3 - December 9th, 2015 

Note: Version 11.4 rolls up all of the changes from frequent update versions 11.3.1 to 11.4.3 - if you want to receive these kinds of updates more quickly in future, you should turn on Frequent Updates.


  • Fixed an issue where in certain circumstances it wasn't possible to upgrade to the latest version of SQL Data Compare.

11.4.2 - December 8th, 2015 


  • SDC-2005: SQL Data Compare no longer fails when registering a SQL 2000 database due to querying permissions which do not exist on this version of SQL Server.

11.4.1 - December 1st, 2015

New Features

SQL Data Compare will now warn when dynamic data masking (a new SQL Server 2016/Azure SQL Database feature) might cause masked data to be deployed. This warning appears when tables with data masks are selected in the source database and the user does not have UNMASK permission on the source database.


From 11.4.0: The default behaviour for disabling and re-enabling foreign key constraints has changed

SQL Data Compare sometimes needs to temporarily disable foreign key constraints when updating data. When SQL Data Compare re-enables the foreign key constraints, it will now restore them to their original trusted or untrusted state by default, rather than always using WITH NOCHECK to skip integrity checks. This means that the constraints will no longer default to being untrusted, but the deployment will take longer because the integrity checks need to be carried out.

The Force constraints to be re-enabled WITH CHECK option is now deprecated. If you want SQL Data Compare to continue to use WITH NOCHECK to skip integrity checks for foreign keys, select the new Skip integrity checks for foreign key constraints option.

From previous 11.3.x frequent updates releases

  • SDC-1952SQL Data Compare no longer freezes when you switch to a password field with the touch keyboard enabled in Windows 10.
  • SDC-1968: SQL Data Compare now preserves extended properties on foreign keys when the 'Disable foreign keys' option is selected.
  • SC-8005: SQL Data Compare no longer requires VIEW SERVER STATE permissions to register databases on SQL Server 2008 and later

  • SC-8023: All connection strings used by SQL Data Compare to connect to SQL Server now include the application name "Red Gate Software - SQL Tools"

11.4.0 - November 17th, 2015



The default behaviour for disabling and re-enabling foreign key constraints has changed

SQL Data Compare sometimes needs to temporarily disable foreign key constraints when updating data. When SQL Data Compare re-enables the foreign key constraints, it will now restore them to their original trusted or untrusted state by default, rather than always using WITH NOCHECK to skip integrity checks. This means that the constraints will no longer default to being untrusted, but the deployment will take longer because the integrity checks need to be carried out.

The Force constraints to be re-enabled WITH CHECK option is now deprecated. If you want SQL Data Compare to continue to use WITH NOCHECK to skip integrity checks for foreign keys, select the new Skip integrity checks for foreign key constraints option.


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