Using a filter on a column on related (joined) tables
Published 15 February 2013
It can be useful to filter records by a column's relationship with a related table - but the "'WHERE clause" option in SQL Data Compare Project Configuration dialog box does not offer direct access to columns in two related tables. In this article we examine how a view can be used instead.
Consider two tables, Sales and LineItems. Lets say a record in LineItems belongs to a district in the Sales table. I want to only compare Lineitems records that belong in a certain district Suffolk, and ignore all the other districts.
To run the example, create two databases, TEST and TEST2. Both have these databases have tables LineItems, Sales and a view View_1:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[LineItems]( [ID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [description] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [SalesID] [smallint] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_LineItems] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sales]( [SalesID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [SalesDescription] [nvarchar](50) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Sales] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [SalesID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] Create VIEW VIEW_1 AS SELECT dbo.LineItems.ID, dbo.LineItems.description, dbo.LineItems.SalesID, dbo.Sales.SalesDescription FROM dbo.LineItems INNER JOIN dbo.Sales ON dbo.LineItems.SalesID = dbo.Sales.SalesID WHERE (dbo.Sales.SalesDescription = 'Suffolk') --Populate TEST with the following: INSERT INTO [dbo].[LineItems] ([ID], [description], [salesID]) VALUES (1, N'Fred ', 1) INSERT INTO [dbo].[LineItems] ([ID], [description], [salesID]) VALUES (2, N'Chrs ', 1) INSERT INTO [dbo].[LineItems] ([ID], [description], [salesID]) VALUES (3, N'Steve ', 1) INSERT INTO [dbo].[LineItems] ([ID], [description], [salesID]) VALUES (4, N'Greg ', 2) INSERT INTO [dbo].[LineItems] ([ID], [description], [salesID]) VALUES (5, N'Clare ', 2) INSERT INTO [dbo].[LineItems] ([ID], [description], [salesID]) VALUES (6, N'David ', 2) INSERT INTO [dbo].[LineItems] ([ID], [description], [salesID]) VALUES (7, N'Linda ', 3) --And ... INSERT INTO [dbo].[Sales] ([SalesID], [SalesDescription]) VALUES (1, N'Norfolk') INSERT INTO [dbo].[Sales] ([SalesID], [SalesDescription]) VALUES (2, N'Suffolk') INSERT INTO [dbo].[Sales] ([SalesID], [SalesDescription]) VALUES (3, N'Hampshire') INSERT INTO [dbo].[Sales] ([SalesID], [SalesDescription]) VALUES (4, N'Essex')
Start SQL Data Compare and select the Include Views project option.
Sychronize TEST and TEST2. Now when clicking on VIEW_1 row the inserts created by the update script are:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[View_1] ([ID], [salesID], [SalesDescription], [description]) VALUES (4, 2, N'Suffolk', N'Greg ') INSERT INTO [dbo].[View_1] ([ID], [salesID], [SalesDescription], [description]) VALUES (5, 2, N'Suffolk', N'Clare ') INSERT INTO [dbo].[View_1] ([ID], [salesID], [SalesDescription], [description]) VALUES (6, 2, N'Suffolk', N'David ')
We are limiting the update SQL script to only the Suffolk. In this way we can see how a simple view can control the comparison output by linking related tables.