SQL Data Generator 3

SQL Data Generator 3.1 release notes

Version 3.1.8 - October 26th, 2016


  • Updated to the latest SQL Compare engine, version 12, featuring a number of fixes and enhancements. Removes support for SQL Server 2000 databases.
  • SDG-1179: New project option "Auto generate previews" allows to disable automatic preview generation for cases when it's slow.
  • Dynamically resize name column in "Tables to populate" when resizing the splitter bar
  • Add Windows Domain Logon Name, UK Phone Number, and UK National Insurance number generators
  • Streamlined new update checking interface


  • SDG-371: Reseeding table identity values now handles non-default identity increment correctly
  • SDG-1025: Populate checkbox no longer selects the table triggering [potentially slow] associated preview generation
  • SDG-1161: The "Action Plan" is sorted by execution order
  • UI no longer hangs when making certain changes to tables where generation takes a long time
  • Now supports reseed of table identity values for Azure v12 databases
  • Tables no longer marked as modified when Identity column present
  • Latest UI components to fix product switcher icon size mismatch

Version 3.1.7 - September 12th, 2016


  • Updated Redgate Client library (RGC-246)

Version 3.1.6 - August 25th, 2016


  • Latest UI components, fixes initial window position, layout issues and a rare crash

  • Updated feature usage reporting library, fixes occassional shutdown failures

  • Now reopens connection dialog when the connection fails

  • The current project now remains open and unchanged if new / open project is cancelled

  • "Save as" now adds the project to the list of recently used projects

  • Recently used projects list is now sorted by most recently accessed

  • When save password is unchecked, password changes no longer mark the project as changed


  • Fixed the project configuration dialog marking the project as unsaved when nothing has changed

  • SDG-534: Can now not save passwords as part of projects

  • SDG-942: money & smallmoney sql types now correctly show the preview to 4 dp

  • SDG-1081: UI no longer breaks Python generators after a project is saved

  • SDG-1094: UI no longer breaks Python generators when switching columns
  • SDG-1111: Allow null values checkbox for SQL Statement generator has the correct initial value
  • SDG-1113: Date Add generator no longer sometimes stops halfway through generating
  • SDG-1174: Now shows project configuration dialog if there was an error opening a project, allowing to fix any connection issuesch database). This will improve initial load time when there are many tests

Version 3.1.5 - July 27th, 2016


  • New login based licensing: see https://www.red-gate.com/user-licensing for more details
  • Added a generator: Use Default Values - does not generate data for this column, using the server default value instead
  • Latest UI components, uses a more legible font on the menu
  • Updated feature usage reporting library

Version 3.1.4 - July 5th, 2016


  • Updated IronPython library to version 2.7.5 (latest stable release as of April 2016)
  • Generation report display is optional when generating data
  • Updated DevExpress to 13.2.1 and removed warnings
  • Commandline and UI both now require .NET 4
  • SDG-634: When populating from another table, IDENTITY columns can now be populated either from the source table or with default values
  • Updated SQL Compare engine
  • Updated the Logging framework and moved Logging menu under help menu
  • New feature usage reporting. Opt in/out from Help > Help us improve our products...


  • SDG-943: Smalldatetime data type no longer shows non-zero seconds in the preview table
  • SDG-951: NullReferenceException @ Controller.NewProjectFromSsmsContext
  • SDG-1126: "Delete data from table before generation" now works correctly for memory optimized tables
  • SDG-1127: Clustered columnstore indexes are no longer disabled prior to data insertion
  • SDG-1128: Columnstore indexes are no longer disabled and reenabled on unselected tables in the database
  • SDG-1129: "City from State or Region" cross column generator now builds its dictionary correctly

Version 3.1.3 - April 26th, 2016


  • Support for SSMS March 2016 Preview Refresh (VS2015 shell)
  • Updated Redgate logo in the generation report
  • Updated product switcher and Redgate logo
  • Updated SQL Compare engine


  • SDG-1108: Geography generator no longer throws error with German regional settings

Version 3.1.2 - March 29th, 2016


  • Command line no longer stops working after 28 days
  • SDG-848: Uniqueidentifier spelled correctly in the column description

Version 3.1.1 - March 23rd, 2016


  • New window appearance
  • New product logo
  • New product switcher - accessible from the product logo in the top-left
  • UI requires .NET 4 runtime
  • Updated SQL Compare engine


  • Increased time-out for python compilation and execution
  • Locating python libraries when visualsvn was installed could fail due to incorrect registry entries

Version 3.1.0 - November 17th, 2015


  • Connectivity support for SQL 2016 CTPs
  • Updated SQL Compare engine
  • Updated icons and splash screen


  • SDG-1008: Product no longer hangs when using foreign keys
  • SDG-1068: Using "existing data source" with objects in non-dbo schemas now works

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